
US Patent 532,219, 1895 - Google Patents
2io all? ph???, i????????? fr?: Beit known that we, CARLSPIEL, and ADOLF SPIEL,
subjects of the King of Würtemberg, and residents of Cannstadt, in the Kingdom 15 of …


FA Haselwander - US Patent 887,393, 1908 - Google Patents
To all? phom it may concern: Be it known that I, FRIEDRICH AUGUST HASELWANDER, a
citizen of the Empire Of Germany, residing at Rastatt, in the Empire of Germany, have …

Hydrocarbon or gas engine

US Patent 415,446, 1889 - Google Patents
To all whon it invally concern: Be it known that I, JOHN CHARTER, a citi Zen of the United
States, residing at Sterling, in the county of Whiteside and State of Illi nois, have invented …

Gas, petroleum, or like internal-combustion engine.

H Schwarz - US Patent 676,449, 1901 - Google Patents
To aii, whom it may concern: Beit known that I, HANS ScHWARZ, a citi. Zen of the Republic
of Switzerland, whose post-office address is 4 Corporation street, Manchester, in the county …


US Patent 399,348, 1889 - Google Patents
To all u? ion, it in (ty conce71. Be it known that I, GEORGE M. RICHARDs, a citizen of the
United States, residing at New Brunswick, in the county of Middlesex and State of New …

Improvement in gas-engines

US Patent 4,800, 1846 - Google Patents
The same letters indicate like parts in all the figures. On the 5th day of May, 1844, Letters
Patent were granted to me by the United States for an “engine to be operated by the …

Gas or oil engine.

AG Melhuish - US Patent 745,215, 1903 - Google Patents
To all, whon, it may concern: Be it known that I, ALFRED GEORGE MEL HUISH, a subject of
the King of Great Britain, residing at Gothic Works, Angel Road, Ed monton, county of …


US Patent 350,200, 1886 - Google Patents
To a ZZ Ufuoi), it 77 (tly conce77. Be it known that I, JoHN JOSEPH REVELEY HUMIES, a
subject of the Queen of Great Brit ail and Ireland, residing at Camberwell, in the county of …


HR Palmer - US Patent 757,632, 1904 - Google Patents
To all typhi,??, i????????? er?: Be it known that I, HERBERT R. PALMER, a citizen of the
United States, residing at Cleve land, in the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, have …

Nicolaus august otto

US Patent 388,301, 1888 - Google Patents
To all av? o7m, it 77 Natly conce7'Fu: Beit known that II, NICOLAUS AUGUST OTTO, a
citizen of Prussia, residing at Cologne, in the German Empire, engineer, have invented cer 5 …