How does alcohol consumption affect perceptions of one's own and a drinking partner's ability to consent to sexual activity?

M Drouin, KN Jozkowski, J Davis… - The Journal of Sex …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
In this naturalistic study, our aim was to examine the extent to which alcohol consumption
affected perceptions of one's own and one's friend's ability to consent to sexual activity. We …

Gender differences in sexual harassment and coercion in college students: Developmental, individual, and situational determinants

KS Ménard, GCN Hall, AH Phung… - Journal of …, 2003 -
Differences in male (N= 148) and female (N= 278) college students' use of sexually
harassing and coercive behaviors were investigated. Men were twice as likely to be sexually …

An experimental investigation of the interactive effects of alcohol and sexual arousal on intentions to have unprotected sex

AP Ebel-Lam, TK MacDonald, MP Zanna… - Basic and Applied …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
We manipulated both alcohol intoxication and sexual arousal and presented male
participants (N= 79) with a video vignette in which two undergraduates decide whether to …

A retrospective study of risk-taking and alcohol-mediated unprotected intercourse

RL Clapper, LP Lipsitt - Journal of Substance Abuse, 1991 - Elsevier
The search for possible causal mechanisms leading to unprotected intercourse in males is
the current focus of a great deal of psychosocial research. A retrospective questionnaire …

Denying rape but endorsing forceful intercourse: Exploring differences among responders

SR Edwards, KA Bradshaw, VB Hinsz - Violence and Gender, 2014 -
Sexual assault is a problem on many college campuses, and many researchers have
conducted studies assessing the prevalence of sexual assault perpetration and intentions to …

Verbal sexual coercion experiences, sexual risk, and substance use in women

AK Gilmore, RL Schacht, WH George… - Journal of aggression …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Research has linked sexual assault, substance use, and sexually transmitted infection (STI)
risk in women. Sexual assault by means of verbal sexual coercion (VSC) is more common …

The role of women's alcohol consumption in sexual victimization

M Testa, KA Parks - Aggression and violent behavior, 1996 - Elsevier
This review examines whether women's alcohol consumption increases her likelihood of
sexual victimization. Three types of studies are reviewed:(a) global association studies, that …

Alcohol and sexual aggression in a national sample of college men

SE Ullman, G Karabatsos… - Psychology of Women …, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Alcohol use prior to sexual assault by both offenders and their victims may be associated
with the severity of sexual aggression men commit against women. Little research has …

Gender and social rejection as risk factors for engaging in risky sexual behavior among crack/cocaine users

C Kopetz, A Pickover, JF Magidson, JM Richards… - Prevention …, 2014 - Springer
Crack/cocaine and engagement in risky sexual behavior represent important contributors to
the escalation of the HIV infection among women. Several lines of research have …

Gender differences in cognitive and affective responses to sexual coercion

ES Byers, SA Glenn - Journal of interpersonal violence, 2012 -
This study examined gender differences in responses to sexual coercive experiences in
mixed-sex (male–female) relationships. Participants were 112 women and 28 men who had …