경피적공동내Amphotericin B 주입술에의한폐국균종치험1 예

이홍렬, 조흥근, 김세규, 장준, 김성규… - Tuberculosis and …, 1992 - dbpia.co.kr
The most common symptom associated with an pulmonary aspergilloma is hemoptysis, with
estimates of frequency ranging from 50 to 85 percent of patients. Hemoptysis may be …

A case of percutaneous intracavitary amphotericin B instillation for the treatment of hemoptysis due to pulmonary aspergilloma.

HL Lee, HK Cho, SK Kim, J Chang, SK Kim… - Tuberculosis and …, 1992 - e-trd.org
The most common symptom associated with an pulmonary aspergilloma is hemoptysis, with
estimates of frequency ranging from 50 to 85 percent of patients. Hemoptysis may be …

A case of percutaneous intracavitary amphotericin B injection for the treatment of hemoptysis due to pulmonary aspergilloma

WJ Lim, KK Kim, MJ Kim, JG Woo… - Tuberculosis and …, 1994 - synapse.koreamed.org
Pulmonary Aspergillomas usually arise from proliferation of Aspergillus in preexisting
parenchymal cavities. 202 college students (99 men, 103 women) aged 18% 26 years …

Treatment of symptomatic pulmonary aspergillomas with intracavitary instillation of amphotericin B through an indwelling catheter.

M Jackson, CD Flower, JM Shneerson - Thorax, 1993 - thorax.bmj.com
BACKGROUND--The treatment of symptomatic pulmonary aspergillomas can be difficult.
One approach has been to deliver antifungal drugs directly into the lung cavity. The use of …

Percutaneus Instillation of Fluconzaole for the Treatment of Pulmonary Aspergilloma

T Yoshimatsu, O Onizuka, T Matsumoto… - The Japanese journal of …, 1991 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 68 歳女性, 右肺の陳旧性結核空洞に肺アスペルギロームを合併した症例を経験した.
全身的治療としてフルコナゾールの経静脈的投与を行ったが効果なく, 経気管支的注入療法はうまく …

Treatment of bronchopulmonary aspergilloma with Monaldi's endocavitary drainage and injections of amphotericin B. Apropos of 2 cases of bilateral aspergilloma

P Gilbert, JP Molle, J Thiriaux - Revue de Pneumologie Clinique, 1988 - europepmc.org
Two recent cases of bilateral broncho-pulmonary aspergilloma offer the authors an
opportunity to review the treatment of aspergilloma with injections of amphotericin B and …

Usefulness of percutaneous instillation of antifungal agents for pulmonary aspergilloma

T SHIRAI, M TANIGUCHI, S IMOKAWA… - Kekkaku …, 1995 - jstage.jst.go.jp
We studied the usefulness of percutaneous instillation of antifungal agents for treatment of
pulmonary aspergilloma. The subjects were six patients, four males and two females, with a …

Intracavitary amphotericin B in the treatment of symptomatic pulmonary aspergillomas

JL Hargis, RC Bone, J Stewart, N Rector… - The American journal of …, 1980 - Elsevier
The optimal treatment of pulmonary aspergillomas is not established. Surgical resection is
often impossible because of severe, underlying pulmonary impairment, and medical …

Clinical characteristics of pulmonary aspergilloma

TK Kang, CH Kim, JY Park, TH Jung… - Tuberculosis and …, 1997 - synapse.koreamed.org
BACKGROUND: Pulmonary aspergillomas usually arise from colonization and proliferation
of Aspergillus in preexisting cavitary lung disease of any cause. About 15% of patients with …

Percutaneous intracavitary treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma-clinical efficacy and prognosis

F Furuse, Y Nakanishi, H Kotoh, H Inoue… - The Japanese journal …, 1994 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 過去 10 年間に当科にて抗真菌剤の経皮的空洞内注入療法を実施した菌球形成性肺
アスペルギルス症 8 症例について検討した. 年齢は 43~ 84 歳. 男性 6 例, 女性 2 例 …