Journalism as Multichannel Communication: A newsroom survey on the multiple uses of social media

C Neuberger, C Nuernbergk, S Langenohl - Journalism studies, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
The use of social media reinforces the change in journalism from a single-channel activity to
multichannel communications. News organizations and journalists must learn to …

The powers that tweet: Social media as news sources in the Czech Republic

R Hladík, V Štětka - Journalism studies, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines the impact of social media on Czech news media content. The study
relies on a content analysis of a six-month sample of news articles collected in 2013 and …

How news organizations coordinate, select, and edit content for social media platforms: A systematic literature review

L Anter - Journalism Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Social media platforms (SMP) are increasingly important for news organizations to reach
(wider) audiences. The accompanying platformization of journalism has raised concerns that …

Understanding social media in journalism practice: A typology

MF Humayun, P Ferrucci - Digital Journalism, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Although the intersection of social media usage and journalism practice enjoys a prominent
place in many scholarly inquiries throughout the field of journalism studies, a …

Adapting to affordances and audiences? A cross-platform, multi-modal analysis of the platformization of news on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter

V Hase, K Boczek, M Scharkow - Digital Journalism, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
To capture audiences' attention on social media, news outlets may disseminate journalistic
content in line with platform instead of mass media logics, indicating a platformization of …

“Twitter Just Exploded”: Social media as alternative vox pop

K Beckers, RA Harder - The Future of Journalism: Risks, Threats …, 2020 -
News media regularly include the voice of the “man or woman in the street” alongside that of
the actors involved in a news story. Journalists use these vox pops to give an impression of …

Social media references in newspapers: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism

S Paulussen, RA Harder - Journalism practice, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Social media are increasingly being used as sources in mainstream news coverage. Yet,
while the research so far has focused mainly on the use of social media in particular …

Political journalists' interaction networks: the German federal press conference on Twitter

C Nuernbergk - The Future of Journalism: Risks, Threats and …, 2020 -
This chapter examines with whom political journalists interact on Twitter and what
information they share. The widespread use of social media is believed to affect …

Sourcing the Sources: An analysis of the use of Twitter and Facebook as a journalistic source over 10 years in The New York Times, The Guardian, and Süddeutsche …

G Von Nordheim, K Boczek, L Koppers - Digital journalism, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Social media today are playing a more important role as a news source than ever before.
Yet, there have been no longitudinal studies on journalists' sourcing practices in recent …

Frequency or skillfulness: How professional news media use Twitter in five Western countries

S Engesser, E Humprecht - Journalism studies, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates how professional news media use Twitter. It conceptually
distinguishes quantitative and skillful Twitter use and takes influencing factors on macro and …