[引用][C] Crayfish escape behavior: II. Command-derived inhibition of abdominal extension

JJ Wine - Journal of comparative physiology, 1977 - Springer
Intracellular recordings from neuronal somata and extracellular recordings from peripheral
nerves were used to study the effects of impulses in the giant escape command interneurons …

[引用][C] Crayfish escape behavior: Neurobehavioral analysis of phasic extension reveals dual systems for motor control

H Reichert, JJ Wine, G Hagiwara - Journal of Comparative Physiology, 1981 - Springer
Electromyograms (EMGs) from phasic abdominal muscles of unrestrained and variously
restrained crayfish were used to study the involvement of sensory information in phasic …

[引用][C] Crayfish escape behavior: III. Monosynaptic and polysynaptic sensory pathways involved in phasic extension

JJ Wine - Journal of comparative physiology, 1977 - Springer
Intracellular recordings were made from the somata of central neurons in semi-intact
preparations in order to trace sensory pathways in the phasic extensor system. 2. The tonic …

Postsynaptic inhibition of crayfish tonic flexor motor neurones by escape commands

JY Kuwada, G Hagiwara… - Journal of Experimental …, 1980 - journals.biologists.com
The crayfish abdomen contains separate slow and fast neuromuscular systems that mediate
posture and escape tailflips. It was recently demonstrated that impulses in the medial and …

[引用][C] Crayfish escape behavior: I. The structure of efferent and afferent neurons involved in abdominal extension

JJ Wine, G Hagiwara - Journal of comparative physiology, 1977 - Springer
Cobalt staining was used to construct soma maps and study the cellular anatomy of efferent
neurons involved in extension of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, abdomen. 2 …

Crayfish stretch receptor and motor unit behavior during abdominal extensions

PG Sokolove - Journal of comparative physiology, 1973 - Springer
Using flexible suction electrodes, recordings were made of sensory and motor nerve activity
in a nerve innervating slow extensor muscles in the first abdominal segment of a suspended …

Neuronal organization of crayfish escape behavior: inhibition of giant motoneuron via a disynaptic pathway from other motoneurons

JJ Wine - Journal of Neurophysiology, 1977 - journals.physiology.org
1. A circuit that produces a 70-100 ms IPSP in the crayfish giant motoneuron is described.
The IPSP is produced by a disynaptic pathway from the nongiant fast flexor motoneurons to …

Crayfish escape behaviour: commands for fast movement inhibit postural tone and reflexes, and prevent habituation of slow reflexes

JY Kuwada, JJ Wine - Journal of Experimental Biology, 1979 - journals.biologists.com
Organized behaviour requires central neural mechanisms to prevent the simultaneous
occurrence of incompatible movements. We investigated neural pathways in crayfish that …

[引用][C] Some Features of the Central Co-Ordination of A Fast Movement in the Crayfish*

A Roberts - Journal of Experimental Biology, 1968 - journals.biologists.com
The nervous and muscular activity pattern produced in an abdominal segment by a single
giant-fibre impulse when all peripheral reflexes are abolished is described. This description …

[引用][C] Neural pathways of reflex-evoked behaviors and command systems in the abdomen of the crayfish

BJ Williams, JL Larimer - Journal of comparative physiology, 1981 - Springer
The lifting of a crayfish (Procambarus) clarkii) from the substrate results in reflexive
abdominal extension often accompanied by metachronous swimmeret beating …