The new foundations of evolution: on the tree of life

JO Andersson - 2011 -
I believe that few people would argue against that lateral gene transfer is a fundamental
process in the evolution of Bacteria and Archaea and that an understanding of this …

Getting a better picture of microbial evolution en route to a network of genomes

T Dagan, W Martin - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2009 -
Most current thinking about evolution is couched in the concept of trees. The notion of a tree
with recursively bifurcating branches representing recurrent divergence events is a plausible …

The myth of bacterial species and speciation

JG Lawrence, AC Retchless - Biology & Philosophy, 2010 - Springer
Abstract The Tree of Life hypothesis frames the evolutionary process as a series of events
whereby lineages diverge from one another, thus creating the diversity of life as descendent …

Lateral gene transfer challenges principles of microbial systematics

E Bapteste, Y Boucher - Trends in microbiology, 2008 -
Evolutionists strive to learn about the natural historical process that gave rise to various taxa,
while also attempting to classify them efficiently and make generalizations about them. The …

Woe is the Tree of Life

W Martin - Microbial phylogeny and evolution: concepts and …, 2005 -
In an ideal scientific world, where everything is simple and straightforward, the analysis of
genome sequences would have fully uncovered the basic backbone of life's history by now …

[HTML][HTML] Phylogeny of prokaryotes: does it exist and why should we care?

S Gribaldo, C Brochier - Research in Microbiology, 2009 - Elsevier
Understanding microbial evolution is essential for gathering information on the most ancient
events in the history of Life on our planet. Nevertheless, the idea that it is impossible to …

The Evolutionary Biology of... Everything.

MD Kane - Systematic Biology, 2001 -
Comments on the evolutionary biology of microorganisms based on scientific papers in the
issue of Systematic Biology. History in the progress of microbial systematics; Discussion of …

Retracing lineage history: time to emphasize genetic turnover

AK Watson, P Lopez, E Bapteste - Trends in Microbiology, 2021 -
Debates between proponents of a tree of life and that of a web of life [1] encouraged a
substantial rethink about which events genuinely compose the history of microbial lineages …

Revisiting the concept of lineage in prokaryotes: a phylogenetic perspective

Y Boucher, E Bapteste - Bioessays, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Mutation and lateral transfer are two categories of processes generating genetic diversity in
prokaryotic genomes. Their relative importance varies between lineages, yet both are …

Fulfilling Darwin's dream

JA Lake, JE Moore, AB Simonson… - … and evolution: concepts …, 2005 -
Today there is enormous interest in discovering the tree of life, but as we get closer to
reconstructing the universal tree, new experimental and theoretical challenges continually …