Rings whose injective hulls are dual square free

Y Ibrahim, M Yousif - Communications in Algebra, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
A module M is called dual-square-free (DSF) if M has no proper submodules A and B with
M= A+ B and M/A≅ M/B. The class of DSF-modules is closed under direct summands and …

Gorenstein right derived functors of−⊗− with respect to semidualizing modules

J Hu, D Zhang, N Ding - Communications in Algebra, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Full article: Gorenstein Right Derived Functors of − ⊗ −with Respect to Semidualizing
Modules Skip to Main Content Taylor and Francis Online homepage Taylor and Francis …

Semidualizing modules and trivial ring extensions

L Mao - Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Introduction Throughout this paper, R is a commutative a Page 1 L. MAO KODAI MATH. J. 47 …

On divisible and torsionfree modules

L Mao, N Ding - Communications in Algebra®, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
A ring R is called left P-coherent in case each principal left ideal of R is finitely presented. A
left R-module M (resp. right R-module N) is called D-injective (resp. D-flat) if Ext1 (G, M)= 0 …

On NN-torsion-free and NN-injective modules

W Zhao, Y Liu, Z Dong, Y Wei - Communications in Algebra, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we introduce the concept of NN-torsion-free modules (respectively, NN-
injective modules) as a generalization of nonnil-torsion-free modules (respectively, injective …

Characterizing local rings via perfect and coperfect modules

M Rahmani, A Taherizadeh - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2017 - World Scientific
Let R be a Noetherian ring and let C be a semidualizing R-module. In this paper, by using
the classes 𝒫 C and ℐ C, we extend the notions of perfect and coperfect modules introduced …

n-Copure projective modules

Z Gao - Mathematical Notes, 2015 - Springer
Let R be a ring, na fixed nonnegative integer and F n the class of all left R-modules of flat
dimension at most n. A left R-module M is called n-copure projective if Ext R 1 (M, F)= 0 for …

FP-injective and weakly quasi-Frobenius rings

GA Garkusha - Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2002 - Springer
The classes of FP-injective and weakly quasi-Frobenius rings are investigated. The
properties of both classes of rings are closely related to the embedding of finitely presented …

Rd-Subinjectivity domain of modules

A Moradzadeh-Dehkordi, Y Alagöz - Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di …, 2024 - Springer
Given modules M and A, M is said to be A-RD-subinjective if for every RD-extension B of A,
every f∈ Hom (A, M) extends to Hom (B, M). For a module M, the RD-subinjectivity domain …

On (m, n)-injective modules and (m, n)-coherent rings

X Zhang, J Chen, J Zhang - Algebra Colloquium, 2005 - World Scientific
Let R be a ring. For two fixed positive integers m and n, a right R-module M is called (m, n)-
injective in case every right R-homomorphism from an n-generated submodule of Rm to M …