On exact categories and applications to triangulated adjoints and model structures

M Saorín, J Šťovíček - Advances in Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We show that Quillenʼs small object argument works for exact categories under very mild
conditions. This has immediate applications to cotorsion pairs and their relation to the …

Realisation functors in tilting theory

C Psaroudakis, J Vitória - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2018 - Springer
Derived equivalences and t-structures are closely related. We use realisation functors
associated to t-structures in triangulated categories to establish a derived Morita theory for …

On the cogeneration of t-structures

MJ Souto Salorio - Archiv der Mathematik, 2004 - Springer
Let C be a set of objects in a triangulated compactly generated category T. We denote by
\calU_C\,(_C\calU) the smallest suspended subcategory closed under coproducts which …

Presheaves of triangulated categories and reconstruction of schemes

P Balmer - Mathematische Annalen, 2002 - Springer
To any triangulated category with tensor product (K,⊗), we associate a topological space
\rmSpc(K,⊗), by means of thick subcategories of K, à la Hopkins-Neeman-Thomason …

The HRS tilting process and Grothendieck hearts of t-structures

CE Parra, M Saorín - arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08638, 2020 - arxiv.org
In this paper we revisit the problem of determining when the heart of a t-structure is a
Grothendieck category, with special attention to the case of the Happel-Reiten-Smal …

Wide coreflective subcategories and torsion pairs

LA Hügel, F Sentieri - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.00845, 2023 - arxiv.org
We revisit a construction of wide subcategories going back to work of Ingalls and Thomas.
To a torsion pair in the category $ R\operatorname {-}\operatorname {mod} $ of finitely …

Flat Mittag-Leffler modules, and their relative and restricted versions

J Trlifaj - International Conference on Functor Categories, Model …, 2022 - Springer
Assume that R is a non-right perfect ring. Then there is a proper class of classes of (right R-)
modules closed under transfinite extensions lying between the classes P 0 of projective …

Tilting preenvelopes and cotilting precovers in general Abelian categories

CE Parra, M Saorín, S Virili - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2023 - Springer
We consider an arbitrary Abelian category A and a subcategory T closed under extensions
and direct summands, and characterize those T that are (semi-) special preenveloping in A; …

On torsion pairs, (well generated) weight structures, adjacent -structures, and related (co)homological functors

MV Bondarko - arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.00754, 2016 - arxiv.org
The paper contains a collection of results related to weight structures, $ t $-structures, and
(more generally) to torsion pairs. For any weight structure $ w $ we study (co) homological …

Simples in a cotilting heart

L Angeleri Hügel, I Herzog, R Laking - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2024 - Springer
Every cotilting module over a ring R induces a t-structure with a Grothendieck heart in the
derived category D (Mod-R). We determine the simple objects in this heart and their injective …