[图书][B] Social media: usage and impact

HSN Al-Deen, JA Hendricks - 2011 - books.google.com
Within the past ten years, social media such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube,
Flickr, and others have grown at a tremendous rate, enlisting an astronomical number of …

[图书][B] Social media: Principles and applications

P Sheldon - 2015 - books.google.com
Social Media: Principles and Applications examines social media in interpersonal, mass-
mediated, educational, organizational, and political settings. Social media technologies take …

[图书][B] Social media: A reference handbook

KS Burns - 2017 - books.google.com
Social media is arguably one of the most powerful technology-enabled innovations since the
Internet itself. This single-volume book provides a broad and easily understandable …

[图书][B] Social media communication: Trends and theories

B Zhong - 2021 - books.google.com
Examines the social media mechanism and how it is transforming communication in an
increasingly networked society Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories explores …

What we are talking about when we talk about social media: A framework for study

JW Treem, SL Dailey, CS Pierce, D Biffl - Sociology Compass, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Social media continues to grow as a focus of social, organizational, and scholarly interest,
yet there is little agreement as to what constitutes social media and how it can be effectively …

Social media research in advertising, communication, marketing, and public relations, 1997–2010

H Khang, EJ Ki, L Ye - Journalism & Mass Communication …, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
Drawing upon the social media phenomena in both practical and academic arenas, this
study explored patterns and trends of social media research over the past fourteen years …

[图书][B] The dark side of social media: psychological, managerial, and societal perspectives

P Sheldon, P Rauschnabel, JM Honeycutt - 2019 - books.google.com
The Dark Side of Social Media: Psychological, Managerial, and Societal Perspectives
examines how social media can negatively affect our lives. The book tackles issues related …

[图书][B] The social media handbook

A Bruns, F Coppa, K Ellis, G Goggin, A Halavais… - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This book examines how social media are changing the plural landscapes and disciplinary
understandings of the internet and our everyday lives. The meaning of “social media” is a …

Researching social media as if the social mattered

N Couldry, J Van Dijck - Social Media+ Society, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
The institutions we have come to call “media” have been involved for over a century in
providing an infrastructure for social life and have invested in a quite particular and …

Social media education: Industry leader recommendations for curriculum and faculty competencies

K Freberg, CM Kim - Journalism & Mass Communication …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Social media have affected daily activities, communication practices, and business practices
throughout society. Social media are more frequently embraced in higher education as well …