[图书][B] Relative cotilting theory and almost complete cotilting modules

AB Buan, Ø Solberg - 1997 - folk.ntnu.no
Relative cotilting modules and their connection to ordinary cotilting modules were first
studied by Auslander and Solberg in [6] and [7]. Among other things, they show that relative …

Exact categories and infinite tilting

W Rump - Communications in Algebra, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
It is proved that any tilting adjunction is completely described by an exact category with a
coherence property and the closure condition that exact sequences are acyclic. The …

Quasi-tilting modules and counter equivalences

R Colpi, G D'Este, A Tonolo - Journal of Algebra, 1997 - Elsevier
Given two ringsRandS, we study the category equivalences T⇄ Y, where T is a torsion class
ofR-modules and Y is a torsion-free class ofS-modules. These equivalences correspond to …

[HTML][HTML] Addendum to “Direct limits in the heart of a t-structure: The case of a torsion pair”[J. Pure Appl. Algebra 219 (9)(2015) 4117–4143]

CE Parra, M Saorín - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2016 - Elsevier
Let G be a Grothendieck category, let t=(T, F) be a torsion pair in G and let (U t, W t) be the
associated Happel–Reiten–Smalø t-structure in the derived category D (G). We prove that …

[HTML][HTML] Maximal τd-rigid pairs

KM Jacobsen, P Jørgensen - Journal of Algebra, 2020 - Elsevier
Let T be a 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated category, T a cluster tilting object with endomorphism
algebra Γ. Consider the functor T (T,−): T→ mod Γ. It induces a bijection from the …

Tilting in module categories

R Wisbauer - Abelian Groups, Module Theory, and Topology, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Let M be a module over an associative ring R and σ [M] the category of M-subgenerated
modules. Generalizing the notion of a projective generator in σ [M], a module P∈ σ [M] is …

From triangulated categories to module categories via localisation

A Buan, B Marsh - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2013 - ams.org
We show that the category of finite dimensional modules over the endomorphism algebra of
a rigid object in a Hom-finite triangulated category is equivalent to the Gabriel-Zisman …

Torsion classes and t-structures in higher homological algebra

P Jørgensen - International Mathematics Research Notices, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Higher homological algebra was introduced by Iyama. It is also known as-homological
algebra where is a fixed integer, and it deals with-cluster tilting subcategories of abelian …

[PDF][PDF] On torsion torsionfree triples

PN Zaragoza - 2008 - Citeseer
In his work [26], SE Dickson defined the notion of torsion theory (now called torsion pair) in
the general framework of abelian categories, which generalizes the concept of …

[PDF][PDF] Ghost-tilting objects in triangulated categories

W Yang, B Zhu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.00093, 2015 - researchgate.net
Assume that D is a Krull-Schmidt, Hom-finite triangulated category with a Serre functor and a
cluster-tilting object T. We introduce the notion of ghost-tilting objects, and T [1]-tilting objects …