Almost split sequences whose middle term has at most two indecomposable summands

M Auslander, R Bautista, MI Platzeck… - Canadian Journal of …, 1979 -
Let Λ be an artin algebra, and denote by mod Λ the category of finitely generated Λ-
modules. All modules we consider are finitely generated. We recall from [6] that a nonsplit …

Representation theory of artin algebras iii almost split sequences

M Auslander, I Reiten - Communications in Algebra, 1975 - Taylor & Francis
0-> A-> B-> C-> 0 is called an almost split sequence if a) it is not splitable, b) A and C are
indecomposable A-modules and c) if f: X-> C is not a splitable epimorphism, then there is an …

Almost split sequences II

M Auslander, I Reiten - Representations of Algebras: Proceedings of the …, 1975 - Springer
In [1] various applications of the existence and uniqueness of almost split sequences for
artin algebras were given. These results motivate trying to get some more information on …

[图书][B] On the four terms in the middle theorem for almost split sequences

H Krause - 1993 - Citeseer
Liu's Theorem Let be an artin algebra and let 0! X!ri= 1 Yi! Z! 0 be an almost split sequence
in the category of nitely generated-modules such that all Yi's are indecomposable. Suppose …

[引用][C] On algebras whose indecomposable modules are multiplicity-free

Z Pogorzały, A Skowroński - Proceedings of the London …, 1983 -
Almost split sequences, introduced and investigated by Auslander and Reiten [2-6], form a
distinguished class of short exact sequences; amongst other properties, their end terms are …

The use of almost split sequences in the representation theory of Artin algebras

I Reiten - Representations of Algebras: Workshop Notes of the …, 2006 - Springer
Let A be an artin algebra, for example a finite dimensional algebra over a field k and C an
indecomposable nonprojective finitely generated left A-module. Then there is an exact …

The inductive step of the second Brauer-Thrall conjecture

SO Smalø - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1980 -
In this paper we are going to use a result of H. Harada and Y. Sai concerning composition of
nonisomorphisms between indecomposable modules and the theory of almost split …

The kernel of an irreducible map

H Krause - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1994 -
Let $0\to A\to B\xrightarrow {g} C\to 0$ be a short exact sequence in the category of finitely
generated modules over an artin algebra. Suppose also that the map g is irreducible …

[PDF][PDF] Almost split sequences in dimension two

M Auslander, I Reiten - Advances in Mathematics, 1987 -
Let C be a full subcategory of an abelian category A which is closed under extensions, ie, if
0-+ C,+ C,+ C,-+ 0 is an exact sequence in A with C, and C3 in C, then C, is in C. An exact …

[PDF][PDF] On artinian rings of finite representation type

K Yamagata - Journal of Algebra, 1978 -
In [5], Roiter has solved the Brauer-Thrall conjecture for finite-dimensiona algebras over
fields, which states that, if the lengths of the finitely generated indecomposable modules are …