[引用][C] Pre-Cobbing Mfecane Historiography

C Saunders - The Mfecane Aftermath …, 1995 - Witwatersrand University Press …

[引用][C] The Mfecane survives its critics

J Omer-Cooper - The Mfecane aftermath …, 1995 - Witwatersrand University Press …

A tempest in a teapot? Nineteenth-century contests for land in South Africa's Caledon Valley and the invention of the Mfecane

N Etherington - The Journal of African History, 2004 - cambridge.org
The unresolved debate on the mfecane in southern African history has been marked by
general acceptance of the proposition that large-scale loss of life and disruption of settled …

[引用][C] Beyond the concept of the 'Zulu Explosion': comments on the current debate

J Wright - The Mfecane aftermath: reconstructive …, 1995 - Witwatersrand University Press …

[引用][C] Conflict in the western Highveld/southern Kalahari, c. 1750–1820

A Manson - The Mfecane Aftermath. Reconstructive Debates in …, 1995

The Fante shrine of Nananom Mpow and the Atlantic slave trade in southern Ghana

R Shumway - The International journal of African historical studies, 2011 - JSTOR
African historiography has long acknowledged that the impacts of the trans-Atlantic slave
trade on African communities reached far beyond the loss of life and freedom that occurred …

'The Character and Objects of Chaka': A Reconsideration of the Making of Shaka as 'Mfecane'Motor

CA Hamilton - African Military History, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
In a series of papers and articles beginning in 1983, Julian Cobbing has offered a radical,
and often provocative, critique of the'mfecane'as the pivotal concept of the history of the …

The Expansion of a Pseudo-Ethnicity in the Eastern Cape: Reconsidering the Fingo" Exodus" of 1865

TJ Stapleton - The International journal of African historical studies, 1996 - JSTOR
While all ethnic affiliations are based upon some element of mythology, the Fingo people of
South Africa's eastern Cape can be described as a pseudo-ethnicity because their distinct …

The Difaqane: The Mfecane in the Southern Sotho Area, 1822–241

WF Lye - The Journal of African History, 1967 - cambridge.org
The accounts of the Difaqane written in all the major histories of South Africa are based on
three books which were written over fifty years ago: GW Stow, The Native Races of South …

The abolition of the slave trade and the transformation of the south-central African interior during the nineteenth century

DM Gordon - The William and Mary Quarterly, 2009 - JSTOR
David M. Gordon highland watershed of the Zambezi and southern Zaire river systems forms
the backbone of the south-central African interior. Composed of savanna woodlands, the …