Abelian categories arising from cluster tilting subcategories

Y Liu, P Zhou - Applied Categorical Structures, 2020 - Springer
For a triangulated category TT, if CC is a cluster-tilting subcategory of TT, then the factor
category T/CT/C is an abelian category. Under certain conditions, the converse also holds …

On the cogeneration of t-structures

MJ Souto Salorio - Archiv der Mathematik, 2004 - Springer
Let C be a set of objects in a triangulated compactly generated category T. We denote by
\calU_C\,(_C\calU) the smallest suspended subcategory closed under coproducts which …

Tilting Modules and the Subcategories (C M i )

MI Platzeck, NI Pratti - Communications in Algebra®, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
In this article we further study the full subcategories of the category of finitely generated
modules over an Artin algebra introduced in Platzeck and Pratti, consisting of the modules …

T-structures on the bounded derived category of the Kronecker algebra

MJ Souto Salorio, S Trepode - Applied Categorical Structures, 2012 - Springer
We study suspended subcategories of the bounded derived category D b (mod H), where H
is a tame hereditary k-algebra. First, we consider U_M the smallest suspended subcategory …

Homologically finite subcategories

M Auslander, I Reiten - Representations of algebras and related …, 1992 - cambridge.org
Let A be an artin algebra and modA the category of finitely generated A-modules. Unless
stated to the contrary, by a subcategory C of a category we mean a full subcategory of an …

A simultaneous generalization of mutation and recollement on a triangulated category

H Nakaoka - arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.02173, 2015 - arxiv.org
In this article, we introduce the notion of {\it concentric twin cotorsion pair} on a triangulated
category. This notion contains the notions of $ t $-structure, cluster tilting subcategory, co-$ t …

Filtrations in abelian categories with a tilting object of homological dimension two

BT Jensen, DO Madsen, X Su - Journal of Algebra and Its …, 2013 - World Scientific
We consider filtrations of objects in an abelian category induced by a tilting object T of
homological dimension at most two. We define three extension closed subcategories and …

Relative cluster tilting objects in triangulated categories

W Yang, B Zhu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.00093, 2015 - arxiv.org
Assume that $\D $ is a Krull-Schmidt, Hom-finite triangulated category with a Serre functor
and a cluster-tilting object $ T $. We introduce the notion of relative cluster tilting objects, and …

Stratifications of finite directed categories and generalized APR tilting modules

L Li - Communications in Algebra, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
A finite directed category is ak-linear category with finitely many objects and an underlying
poset structure, where k is an algebraically closed field. This concept unifies structures such …

General Heart Construction on a Triangulated Category (I): Unifying t-Structures and Cluster Tilting Subcategories

H Nakaoka - Applied Categorical Structures, 2011 - Springer
In the paper of Keller and Reiten, it was shown that the quotient of a triangulated category
(with some conditions) by a cluster tilting subcategory becomes an abelian category. After …