[引用][C] Cancer research 1964: thoughts on the contributions of radiation biology

AC Upton - Cancer research, 1964 - AACR
Although this assumption remains to be refuted, the exist ence of risks has been
demonstrated at progressively lower and lower dose levels by epidemiological investiga …

The epidemiology of radiation carcinogenesis in man

EE Pochin - Radiation-risk-protection. Vol. 1, 1984 - inis.iaea.org
[en] It is remarkable how much reliable information has in fact been obtained on the
frequency with which different forms of cancer follow exposure of the various body organs at …

Ionizing radiation and cancer

G Weiss, KL Mossman - Cancer Investigation, 1984 - Taylor & Francis
There are many classic experiments on the effects of radiation on cells in culture and on
small mammals. These, together with anecdotal data on radiation effects in humans …

Radiation carcinogenesis in man. A critical review

HQ Woodard - 1980 - osti.gov
The review examines such reports as are available in which there is reasonable evidence
that human cancer has been caused by ionizing radiation. The reported incidence of cancer …

Radiation injury: some aspects of the oncogenic effects.

RJ Fry, EJ Ainsworth - Federation Proceedings, 1977 - europepmc.org
The late effects or irradiation stem from cell killing, mutation, and malignant transformation.
Cancer is the major somatic late effect of exposure to low dose levels of radiation, and …

The dose-response relation in radiation-induced cancer

AC Upton - Cancer research, 1961 - AACR
Although ionizing radiation can apparently induce neoplasms of virtually all types, the
relation between tumor incidence and dose varies, depending on the type of neoplasm …

[引用][C] Radiation carcinogenesis

LF Lamerton - British Medical Bulletin, 1964 - academic.oup.com
An important consideration in any discussion on mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis is
whether the increased incidence of cancer following irradiation is related to the cancer …

Late neoplastic changes following medical irradiation

GB Hutchison - Cancer, 1976 - Wiley Online Library
New additions since 1968 to the literature on radiation carcinogenesis in man support the
earlier conclusion of an approximately linear increase in cancer incidence in a broad …


AC Upton - 1967 - osti.gov
Subject: N28630*-Life Sciences-Radiation Effects on Animals-Man; N28620-Life Sciences-
Radiation Effects on Animals-Vertebrates; AGE; ANIMALS; BIBLIOGRAPHY; …

Dose-response relationships

RH Mole - Radiation carcinogenesis: epidemiology and biological …, 1984 - inis.iaea.org
[en] Japanese bomb survivor experience has shown that a single, very brief radiation
exposure, a few tens of seconds in duration, is able to induce a considerable variety of …