[HTML][HTML] Integrating biomimetics

RR Naik, MO Stone - Materials Today, 2005 - Elsevier
Over the past decade, biology has had a profound influence on materials science and
engineering, and much of this influence is yet to come. The tools of nanotechnology have …

[引用][C] Biological and biomimetic materials

J Aizenberg, P Fratzl - Advanced Materials, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Nature has long served as a source of inspiration for humans in developing technology. In
the last few decades there has been an explosion of studies revealing new and ever more …

Biomimetic materials for engineering applications

O Al-Ketan, R Rowshan… - Encyclopedia of smart …, 2021 - nchr.elsevierpure.com
Over a period that spans as long as Earth existence, various macroscopic and microscopic
organisms existed and exhibited fascinating multifunctionalities derived from their …

Bio-informed materials: three guiding principles for innovation informed by biology

D Stuart-Fox, L Ng, MA Elgar, K Hölttä-Otto… - Nature Reviews …, 2023 - nature.com
Nature provides an endless source of inspiration for advanced materials, fuelled by
evolutionary innovations over many millions of years. Capitalizing on this wealth of …

[HTML][HTML] Biological and bioinspired materials: Structure leading to functional and mechanical performance

Y Wang, SE Naleway, B Wang - Bioactive materials, 2020 - Elsevier
Nature has achieved materials with properties and mechanisms that go far beyond the
current know-how of the engineering-materials industry. The remarkable efficiency of …

Biomaterials evolution: from inert to instructive

S Iqbal, M Sohail, S Fang, J Ding, L Shen… - Biomaterials …, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
The field of biomaterials has experienced substantial evolution in recent years, driven by
advancements in materials science and engineering. This has led to an expansion of the …

Multifunctional integration: from biological to bio-inspired materials

K Liu, L Jiang - ACS nano, 2011 - ACS Publications
Nature is a school for human beings. Learning from nature has long been a source of
bioinspiration for scientists and engineers. Multiscale structures are characteristic for …

[图书][B] Biomimetic principles and design of advanced engineering materials

Z Xia - 2016 - books.google.com
This book explores the structure-property-process relationship of biomaterials from
engineering and biomedical perspectives, and the potential of bio-inspired materials and …

[图书][B] Biomimetics: advancing nanobiomaterials and tissue engineering

M Ramalingam, X Wang, G Chen, P Ma, FZ Cui - 2013 - books.google.com
Provides cutting-edge advances in biologically inspired, biomimetically-designed materials
and systems for developing the next generation of nanobiomaterials and tissue engineering …

[图书][B] Bioinspired materials science and engineering

G Yang, L Xiao, L Lamboni - 2018 - books.google.com
An authoritative introduction to the science and engineering of bioinspired materials
Bioinspired Materials Science and Engineering offers a comprehensive view of the science …