Primary Actinomycosis of the Foot in a 37-year-old female Patient: A Case Study and Review of the Literature.

N Xhaferi, A Gavrilovski, M Jakimova… - Albanian Journal of …, 2022 -
A parasitic disease called actinomycosis occurs when bacteria spread through body tissues,
causing abscesses, inflammation, and pain. It affects the skin or deeper parts of the body …

Oral and cervicofacial actinomycosis. Presentation of five cases

K Aguirrebengoa, M Romaña, L López… - Enfermedades …, 2002 -
Background Actinomycosis is a suppurative and granulomatous chronic infectious disease
caused by Actinomyces sp. and most commonly affecting the cervicofacial area. Aim To …

Disseminated actinomycosis presenting with multiple subcutaneous abscesses (author's transl)

N Brion, MA Bertail, C Denis, N Auffret… - Annales de Medecine …, 1981 -
The case report describes a patient hospitalized for multiple subcutaneous abscesses who
presented a four-year history of recurrent skin lesions and a fifteen-year history of non …

Actinomyces neuii, an Uncommon Pathogen in a Soft Tissue Infection: a Case Report

J Masso-Bueso, D Cabello-Modesto… - SN Comprehensive …, 2020 - Springer
Actinomycosis remains an underdiagnosed disease, especially in situations such as those
specifically caused by Actinomyces neuii, a pathogen that naturally inhabits normal flora but …

[PDF][PDF] Actinomycosis: A Rare Disease

ABM Moniruddin, H Begum, K Nahar, T Ahmed… - Journal of …, 2010 -
A 35 year old male presented with multiple discharging sinuses in the right gluteal region &
multiple nodular soft tissue swellings in the right side of face for one year. FNAC from lesions …

Primary actinomycosis of the foot and leg: report of a case.

ES Mahgoub, AAA Yacoub - 1968 -
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Actinomycosis of the hand

GF Rushforth, SJ Eykyn - Hand, 1982 -
Actinomycosis of the Hand Page 1 Actinomycosis of the Hand GF Rush forth and Susannah J.

Two different actinomycosis cases presented with mass, prediagnosed as malignancy in breast and scrotum.

G Çİçek-Șentürk, FA Altay, F Köybașıoğlu, A Ulu-Kılıç… - 2013 -
Actinomycosis is a disease characterized by abscess formation, tissue fibrosis and drained
sinus infections usually caused by Actinomyces israelii. Actinomycosis infections often …

Abdomino-pelvic actinomycosis: a case report

R Bedoui, R Nouira, R Zribi, F Guesmi… - La Tunisie …, 2002 -
The actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative granulomatosis disease. It is owed to a bacillus
gram positive; actinomycès israelli. The cervical and thoracic localizations are most frequent …

[HTML][HTML] Cervicofacial actinomycosis mimicking osseous neoplasm: a rare case

RP Chatterjee, N Shah, S Kundu… - Journal of clinical and …, 2015 -
Actinomycosis is a rare chronic infectious disease caused primarily by Actinomyces israelli.
Although they are normal inhabitants of the oral cavity, infection occurs when there is a …