The structure of corings: induction functors, Maschke-type theorem, and Frobenius and Galois-type properties

T Brzeziński - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2002 - Springer
Given a ring A and an A-coring C, we study when the forgetful functor from the category of
right C-comodules to the category of right A-modules and its right adjoint−⊗ AC are …

Separable functors in corings

J Gómez-Torrecillas - International Journal of Mathematics and …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
We develop some basic functorial techniques for the study of the categories of comodules
over corings. In particular, we prove that the induction functor stemming from every …

Comatrix corings: Galois corings, descent theory, and a structure theorem for cosemisimple corings

L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2003 - Springer
We study the corings whose category of right comodules has a finitely generated projective
generator. In order to extricate the structure of these corings, we introduce the notion of …

Galois theory for comatrix corings: descent theory, Morita theory, Frobenius and separability properties

S Caenepeel, E De Groot, J Vercruysse - Transactions of the American …, 2007 -
El Kaoutit and Gómez-Torrecillas introduced comatrix corings, generalizing Sweedler's
canonical coring, and proved a new version of the Faithfully Flat Descent Theorem. They …

Doi-Hopf modules, Yetter-Drinfel'd modules and Frobenius type properties

S Caenepeel, G Militaru, S Zhu - Transactions of the American …, 1997 -
We study the following question: when is the right adjoint of the forgetful functor from the
category of $(H, A, C) $-Doi-Hopf modules to the category of $ A $-modules also a left …

Monads and comonads on module categories

G Böhm, T Brzeziński, R Wisbauer - Journal of Algebra, 2009 - Elsevier
Let A be a ring and MA the category of right A-modules. It is well known in module theory
that any A-bimodule B is an A-ring if and only if the functor−⊗ AB: MA→ MA is a monad (or …

[PDF][PDF] Morita theorems for categories of comodules

M Takeuchi - J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, 1977 -
We show that the well-known Morita theorems on equivalences of categories of modules
hold true of categories of comodules over a field k. We go parallel with| H. Bass, Algebraic K …

Frobenius functors: applications

F Castano Iglesias, J Gómez Torrecillas… - Communications in …, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
We investigate functors between abelian categories having usomor-phic left and right
adjoint functors (these functors are called Frobenius Functors). They are characterized for …

Contravariant functors on the category of finitely presented modules

I Herzog - Israel journal of mathematics, 2008 - Springer
If R is an associative ring with identity, a theory of minimal flat resolutions is developed in the
category ((R-mod) op, Ab) of contravariant functors G:(R-mod) op→ Ab from the category R …

On modules associated to coalgebra Galois extensions

T Brzeziński - Journal of Algebra, 1999 - Elsevier
For a given entwining structure (A, C) ψinvolving an algebraA, a coalgebraC, and an
entwining map ψ: C⊗ A→ A⊗ C, a categoryMCA (ψ) of right (A, C) ψ-modules is defined and …