Antecedents and consequences of employee organizational cynicism: A meta-analysis

DS Chiaburu, AC Peng, IS Oh, GC Banks… - Journal of vocational …, 2013 - Elsevier
We propose an integrative framework to investigate the extent to which employees'
organizational cynicism is predicted by individual differences (positive and negative affect …

Organizational cynicism: Bases and consequences

R Abraham - Genetic, social, and general psychology …, 2000 -
Organizational cynicism is the belief that an organization lacks integrity, which, when
coupled with a powerful negative emotional reaction, leads to disparaging and critical …

Organizational cynicism: Spillover effects on supervisor–subordinate relationships and performance

P Neves - The Leadership Quarterly, 2012 - Elsevier
Organizational cynicism has grown in contemporary Western organizations. However, its
impact on interpersonal relationships and consequently on organizational functioning …

Employee cynicism: An examination using a contract violation framework

LM Andersson - Human relations, 1996 -
Employee cynicism is an attitude characterized by frustration, hopelessness, and
disillusionment, as well as contempt toward and distrust of business organizations …

[PDF][PDF] Organizational cynicism: on the nature, antecedents, and consequences of employee cynicism toward the employing organization

AJAM Naus - 2007 -
Organizational cynicism (OC) is defined as the employee's belief that the organization lacks
integrity, and negative affect and disparaging behavior consistent with this belief. This …

Organizational justice and autonomy as moderators of the relationship between social and organizational cynicism

CT Kwantes, MH Bond - Personality and Individual Differences, 2019 - Elsevier
Healthy organizations are ones that can, to an extent, overcome employee characteristics
that result in negative outcomes by creating policies and procedures that minimize the …

The effects of organizational factors, psychological need satisfaction and thwarting, and affective commitment on workers' well-being and turnover intentions

N Gillet, J Forest, C Benabou, K Bentein - Le travail humain, 2015 -
We chose to focus on cynicism rather than on emotional exhaustion or reduced sense of
personal accomplishment in the present research because, despite the fact that numerous …

Organizational cynicism and employee performance: Moderating role of employee engagement

M Arslan - Journal of Global Responsibility, 2018 -
Purpose Organizational cynicism is a growing trend in contemporary organizations.
However, its impact on employee performance remains understudied. The purpose of this …

[图书][B] Organizational cynicism: Its relationship to perceived organizational injustice and explanatory style

MR FitzGerald - 2002 -
Recent research suggests that organizational cynicism should be interpreted as a reaction
to the policies and practices of an organization as opposed to a reflection of the general …

Perceived organizational support and performance: Relationships across levels of organizational cynicism

ZS Byrne, WA Hochwarter - Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2008 -
Purpose–Perceived organizational support is considered a resource capable of positively
influencing performance by reducing stressors and encouraging commitment. However, only …