[图书][B] Perceptions held by management of older adult workers' job effectiveness: As believed by older adult workers 55+ years of age and management level …

SM Sherman - 1998 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this qualitative research was to examine perceptions among management-
level personnel about older adult workers 55+ years job effectiveness as believed by the …

Coworker attributes as potential correlates to the perceptions of older workers' job performance: An exploratory study

GS Taylor, MD Crino, S Rubenfeld - Journal of Business and Psychology, 1989 - Springer
This study examined coworker attributes as potential correlates to the perceptions of older
workers' job performance. It was found that increased education, more positive attitudes …

A Study of the Effect on Organizational Factors on Job Satisfaction of Geriatric Practitioners between Millennials and Older Generations

PM Jang - 2018 - digitalcommons.acu.edu
The purpose of this paper is to recognize and improve the understanding of social workers'
job satisfaction in the geriatric area. Low job satisfaction makes social workers want to move …

[图书][B] Leadership influence on work opportunities for older adult workers

RS Ford - 2004 - search.proquest.com
Leadership's influence determines the workplace opportunities for the older adult worker
over the age of 50 years. This quantitative and qualitative study investigated five domains …

Understanding the role of age, work context, and task demands on managers' attitudes

LJ Lewen - 2007 - repository.gatech.edu
Despite the availability, capability, and inclination of older workers to remain in the
workforce, research indicates that older workers are generally perceived and evaluated less …

[引用][C] Changed attitudes towards older workers

A Pärnänen - 2006 - policycommons.net
According to a qualitative study on ageing workers, it appears that attitudes have changed
and are more positive towards older staff. Appreciation of older workers, investing in their …

[图书][B] Generational differences in perceptions of older workers' capabilities

JB James, JE Swanberg, SP McKechnie - 2007 - globalag.igc.org
Research has consistently shown that older adults in general and older workers in particular
have suffered negative perceptions of their capabilities and desires for continued work …

[图书][B] Factors affecting older worker productivity in industry and education

ST Maline - 1991 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of the study was to relate older worker job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and
leisure activity participation to productivity on the job. Older workers were defined as …

The construction of the “older worker”

H Zacher, CW Rudolph - Merits, 2023 - mdpi.com
The notion of the “older worker” is frequently used in the organizational literature, in
organizational practice, and in society, but so far, no research has investigated why people …

[图书][B] The aging workforce: A qualitative phenomenological study of mature workers' views of younger supervisors

CM Jamerson - 2009 - search.proquest.com
In an aging workforce, younger leaders' unawareness of the specific needs of mature
workers might result in loss of organizational knowledge and increased recruiting and …