Why have clinical trials in sepsis failed?

JC Marshall - Trends in molecular medicine, 2014 - cell.com
The systemic inflammatory response is biologically complex, redundant, and activated by
both infectious and noninfectious triggers. Its manipulation can cause both benefit and harm …

Clinical trials for severe sepsis: past failures, and future hopes

SM Opal, AS Cross - Infectious disease clinics of North America, 1999 - Elsevier
Since the original preliminary success with J5 antisera in the treatment of septic shock in
1982, 57 the field of clinical sepsis research has suffered a long series of failed clinical trials …

The search for effective therapy for sepsis: back to the drawing board?

DC Angus - Jama, 2011 - jamanetwork.com
January, Eisai announced that its worldwide phase 3 randomized trial of a novel anti–Toll …

Novel strategies for the treatment of sepsis

NC Riedemann, RF Guo, PA Ward - Nature medicine, 2003 - nature.com
Novel strategies for the treatment of sepsis | Nature Medicine Skip to main content Thank you
for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To …

The 'cytokine profile': a code for sepsis

L Ulloa, KJ Tracey - Trends in molecular medicine, 2005 - cell.com
Sepsis–the most common cause of death in hospitalized patients–affects over 18 million
people worldwide and has an expected 1% increase of incidence per year. Recent clinical …

Sepsis: in search of cure

CL Lakshmikanth, SP Jacob, VH Chaithra… - Inflammation …, 2016 - Springer
Introduction Sepsis is a complex inflammatory disorder believed to originate from an
infection by any types of microbes and/or their products. It is the leading cause of death in …

Outcome measures for clinical research in sepsis: a report of the 2nd Cambridge Colloquium of the International Sepsis Forum

JC Marshall, JL Vincent, G Guyatt, DC Angus… - Critical care …, 2005 - journals.lww.com
Methods: An expert colloquium organized by the International Sepsis Forum brought
together sepsis researchers, clinical epidemiologists, and experts in the development and …

Why sepsis trials fail

RC Bone - Jama, 1996 - jamanetwork.com
FEW CRITICAL conditions in medicine are as paradoxical as the events occurring during
sepsis. The response of the patient's body to an insult such as infection or severe injury may …

The enigma of sepsis

NC Riedemann, RF Guo… - The Journal of clinical …, 2003 - Am Soc Clin Investig
Sepsis remains a serious cause of morbidity and mortality, and the pathophysiology of the
disease is not clear. The definition of the clinical manifestations of sepsis is ever evolving …

Clinical trials of mediator-directed therapy in sepsis: what have we learned?

JC Marshall - Intensive care medicine, 2000 - Springer
Almost 60 randomized controlled clinical trials have been undertaken, testing the hypothesis
that modulation of the endogenous host inflammatory response can improve survival for …