[图书][B] Causation: A user's guide

LA Paul, EJ Hall - 2013 - books.google.com
Causation is at once familiar and mysterious. Many believe that the causal relation is not
directly observable, but that we nevertheless can somehow detect its presence in the world …

[图书][B] The Oxford handbook of causation

H Beebee, C Hitchcock, P Menzies - 2012 - books.google.com
Causation is a central topic in many areas of philosophy. In metaphysics, philosophers want
to know what causation is, and how it is related to laws of nature, probability, action, and …

[图书][B] Causation: a very short introduction

S Mumford, RL Anjum - 2013 - books.google.com
Causation is the most fundamental connection in the universe. Without it, there would be no
science or technology. There would be no moral responsibility either, as none of our …

[图书][B] Causation in science and the methods of scientific discovery

RL Anjum, S Mumford - 2018 - books.google.com
Some of the chief goals of science-understanding, explanation, prediction, and application
in new technologies-can only be conducted with any purpose if the world has some …

Causes, contrasts, and the nontransitivity of causation

C Maslen - 2004 - direct.mit.edu
Whether one event causes another depends on the contrast situation with which the alleged
cause is compared. Occasionally this is made explicit. For example, a toothpaste company …

[图书][B] Making things happen: A theory of causal explanation

J Woodward - 2005 - books.google.com
In Making Things Happen, James Woodward develops a new and ambitious comprehensive
theory of causation and explanation that draws on literature from a variety of disciplines and …

[图书][B] Causes and coincidences

D Owens - 1992 - books.google.com
In an important departure from theories of causation, David Owens proposes that
coincidences have no causes, and that a cause is something which ensures that its effects …

Causation: Reductionism versus realism

M Tooley - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1990 - JSTOR
Any adequate approach to causation must provide accounts of causal laws, and of causal
relations between states of affairs, or events, and, in each case, one is confronted with the …

Causal process theories

P Dowe - 2009 - academic.oup.com
If the core idea of process theories of causation is that causation can be understood in terms
of causal processes and interactions, then the approach should be attributed primarily to …

Counterfactuals and causation: History, problems, and prospects

J Collins, N Hall, LA Paul - 2004 - direct.mit.edu
Among the many philosophers who hold that causal facts1 are to be explained in terms of—
or more ambitiously, shown to reduce to—facts about what happens, together with facts …