Beyond the world culture debate in comparative education: critiques, alternatives and a noisy conversation

I Silova, J Rappleye - Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Different perspectives on how to 'read'the World have produced a dynamic debate about
education and globalisation in the field of comparative education. Over the last decade or …

From myths to models: the (re) production of world culture in comparative education

I Silova, WC Brehm - Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This article traces the emergence of the world culture theory in comparative education using
critical discourse analysis. By chronicling the emergence and expansion of world culture …

Inside but below: The puzzle of education in the global order

C Soudien - International handbook on globalisation, education and …, 2005 - Springer
Only a very few social observers and commentators continue to argue for the delinking of the
economically less-developed parts of the world from those perceived to make up the rich …

Comparative education in the era of globalisation: Evolution, missions and roles

M Bray - International handbook on globalisation, education and …, 2005 - Springer
The field of comparative education is arguably more closely related to globalisation than
most other fields of academic enquiry. Comparative education is naturally concerned with …

[PDF][PDF] Globalisation, comparative education and policy research

J Zajda, V Rust - Cross Culture Understandings, 2010 -
Globalisation, Cultural Identity and Nation-Building: The Changing Paradigms, the 23rd
book in the series, examines and critiques dominant discourses and debates pertaining to …

Comparative education in an increasingly globalised world

L Davies - … , policy and comparative research: Discourses of …, 2009 - Springer
In this chapter I would like to argue that comparative education in an increasingly globalised
world has possibly never had such an important function than in this age of different …

What is comparative education

J Clarkson - Global issues and comparative education, 2009 -
This chapter outlines the focus and purposes of comparative education suggesting who
might be interested in making comparisons and how rigorous comparisons are made both …

Reconceptualising comparative and international education

M Crossley - Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International …, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
It is argued that the field of comparative and international education must be fundamentally
reconceptualised and redeveloped in ways that better demonstrate its potential to contribute …

The double gestures of cosmopolitanism and comparative studies of education

TS Popkewitz - International handbook of comparative education, 2009 - Springer
It might seem a contemporary cliché when I say that my thinking about comparative
education is in a context of globalization. Intuitively, what else can the study of comparative …

Globalization and the rescaling of education politics and policy: Implications for comparative education

B Lingard, S Rawolle - New Thinking in Comparative Education, 2010 -
The thesis of this chapter is that the rescaling of education politics and policy requires a re-
imagining of the focus and study of comparative education. As such, our argument is a …