[图书][B] Finite free resolutions

DG Northcott - 1976 - books.google.com
An important part of homological algebra deals with modules possessing projective
resolutions of finite length. This goes back to Hilbert's famous theorem on syzygies through …

[图书][B] Modules over non-Noetherian domains

L Fuchs, L Salce - 2001 - books.google.com
In this book, the authors present both traditional and modern discoveries in the subject area,
concentrating on advanced aspects of the topic. Existing material is studied in detail …

[图书][B] Theory of categories

B Mitchell - 1965 - books.google.com
A number of sophisticated people tend to disparage category theory as consistently as
others disparage certain kinds of classical music. When obliged to speak of a category they …

[PDF][PDF] Exactly definable categories

H Krause - Journal of Algebra, 1998 - Citeseer
Mod ª Ex C, Ab, M¬ Hom y, M my Ž. Ž. Ž. is an equivalence. Thus we can replace a-module
by an exact functor Ž. op C ª Ab. Of course, since the work of Auslander, it has been common …

Recollement of homotopy categories and Cohen-Macaulay modules

O Iyama, K Kato, JI Miyachi - Journal of K-theory, 2011 - cambridge.org
We study the homotopy category of unbounded complexes with bounded homologies and
its quotient category by the homotopy category of bounded complexes. In the case of the …

Relative injective covers

JR García Rozas, B Torrecillas - Communications in Algebra, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Injective covers of modules were introduced by Enochs [5] as a categorical dual of an
injective envelope and they have been investigated by many authors. The T-torsionfree …

Remarks on elementary duality

M Prest - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 1993 - Elsevier
Elementary duality between left and right modules over a ring, especially its interpretation in
terms of the relevant functor categories, is discussed, as is the relationship between these …

Gorenstein derived functors

H Holm - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2004 - ams.org
Over any associative ring $ R $ it is standard to derive $\mathrm {Hom} _R (-,-) $ using
projective resolutions in the first variable, or injective resolutions in the second variable, and …

Decompositions of injective modules

R Warfield - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1969 - msp.org
The main results of this paper concern decompositions of an injective module, either as a
direct sum of submodules or as the injective envelope of a direct sum of injective …

Good tilting modules and recollements of derived module categories

H Chen, C Xi - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Let T be an infinitely generated tilting module of projective dimension at most one over an
arbitrary associative ring A, and let B be the endomorphism ring of T. We prove that if T is …