Better than No Teeth at All

JH Schlegel - Md. L. Rev., 1991 - HeinOnline
It feels more than a bit peculiar to be asked to write something for the fiftieth anniversary of
this or any law review. True, I have twice before discussed the subject of law reviews.'But the …

Hail to Law Reviews

PD Edmunds - J. Marshall J. Prac. & Proc., 1967 - HeinOnline
" It is doubtless of no concern to anyone that this is probably my last law review article. As a
matter of fact, this makes one more article than I had originally planned to write. It was …

Law reviews and legal scholarship: Some comments

LM Friedman - Denv. UL Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
Law reviews are the primary outlet for legal scholars, and the law review system is unique to
legal education. People in other fields are astonished when they learn about it; they can …

Goodbye to law reviews

F Rodell - Va. L. Rev., 1936 - HeinOnline
T IS doubtless of no concern to anyone that this is probably my last law review article. As a
matter of fact, this makes one more article than I had originally planned to write. It was …

Why I Write (And Why I Think Law Professors Generally Should Write)

Y Kamisar - San Diego L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
It may look as though we are all doing the same thing, as we huddle over our typewriters or
computers, producing work called articles or books, but we are in fact often doing very …

Who's to Blame for Law Reviews

A Althouse - Chi.-Kent L. Rev., 1994 - HeinOnline
CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW tors wondering why they ever got mixed up with such a
volatile and hysterical law professor. By now, the mere sight of a FedEx envelop causes a …

Defending the Law Review-A Response to Judge Posner and Professor Lindgren

H Gilmore - Charlotte L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
I am fairly new to the publication game. I am not a professional writer. I was never a law
review editor. My current teaching job does not mandate that I" publish or perish." On top of …

Goodbye to Law Reviews. Revisited

F Rodell - Virginia Law Review, 1962 - JSTOR
Twenty-five years ago Professor Rodell, as part of a series of articles on the value of law
reviews appearing in the first issue of Volume 23 of the Review, wrote his" last law review …

As I Lay Writing: How to Write Law Review Articles for Fun and Profit

CS Bradford - J. Legal Educ., 1994 - HeinOnline
You've made it onto a law faculty, and you're wondering what to do. Teaching obviously isn't
going to occupy much of your time. You prepare your notes the first year, and you're home …

Some Ways to Think About Law Reviews

R Weisberg - Stan. L. Rev., 1994 - HeinOnline
Like most members of law faculties, I once worked as a student editor of a law review. And
like many of that number, I have developed a somewhat avuncular attitude towards law …