A note on the Matlis category equivalence

SB Lee - Journal of Algebra, 2006 - Elsevier
We provide additional information concerning the important Matlis category equivalence
between the categories of h-divisible torsion and R-complete torsion-free R-modules over …

Cotilting bimodules and their dualities

R Colpi - Interactions between ring theory and representations …, 2000 - research.unipd.it
A right R-module UR is said to be cotilting if Cog (UR)=⊥ UR, where⊥ UR= KerExt1R (, U).
So cotilting modules generalize injective cogenerators. If U is cotilting, then T=(KerHom …

[PDF][PDF] Linear compactness and Morita duality

BJ Müller - Journal of Algebra, 1970 - core.ac.uk
A Morita-duality is an additive contravariant category-equivalence between two categories of
R-right-and S-left-modulesr, which are both closed under sub-and factor-modules and …

[引用][C] Derived equivalences as derived functors

J Rickard - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 1991 - academic.oup.com
In [7] we proved that two algebras A and F are'derived equivalent', meaning that the derived
category of modules for A is equivalent to that for F, precisely when F is isomorphic to the …

Applications of Duality to the Pure-injective Envelope

I Herzog - Algebras and representation theory, 2007 - Springer
Given an RT-bimodule RKT and RS-bimodule RMS, we study how properties of RKT affect
the K-double dual M**= Hom T [Hom R (M, K), K] considered as a right S-module. If RK is a …

Self linearly compact rings and dualities

G Favero, E Gregorio - Abelian Groups, Module Theory, and …, 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The study of dualities between categories of modules generalizing Morita duality cannot
dispense with the use of topologies (see [1, 2, 3, 7, 8]). In this paper we try to give a new …


X Yang - Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2016 - scholar.archive.org
SEMIDUALIZING BIMODULES 1. Introduction Auslander and Bridger [1] in Page 1 J …

Relative tilting modules with respect to a semidualizing module

M Salimi - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2019 - Springer
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, and let C be a semidualizing R-module. The notion
of C-tilting R-modules is introduced as the relative setting of the notion of tilting R-modules …

Derived equivalence induced by infinitely generated 𝑛-tilting modules

S Bazzoni, F Mantese, A Tonolo - Proceedings of the American …, 2011 - ams.org
Let $ T_R $ be a right $ n $-tilting module over an arbitrary associative ring $ R $. In this
paper we prove that there exists an $ n $-tilting module $ T'_R $ equivalent to $ T_R $ which …

On Morita duality

BJ Mùller - Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1969 - cambridge.org
A contra variant category-equivalence between categories of right R-modules and left S-
modules (all rings have units, all modules are unitary) that contain RR, SS and are closed …