Generalized tilting theory

P Nicolás, M Saorín - Applied Categorical Structures, 2018 - Springer
Given small dg categories A and B and a BA-bimodule T, we give necessary and sufficient
conditions for the associated derived functors of Hom and the tensor product to be fully …

Selforthogonal modules with finite injective dimension III

Z Huang - Algebras and representation theory, 2009 - Springer
Let R be a left Noetherian ring, S a right Noetherian ring and RU a generalized tilting
module with S= End (RU). We give some equivalent conditions that the injective dimension …

[引用][C] Extensions of tilting functors and QF-3 algebras

H Tachikawa, T Wakamatsu - Journal of Algebra, 1986 - Elsevier
Recently, Brenner and Butler [4] introduced the interesting notion of tilting functors as a
generalization of Auslander-Platzeck-Reiten's partial Coxeter functors [1] which generalize …

Characterisation and applications of $\Bbbk $-split bimodules

V Mazorchuk, V Miemietz, X Zhang - arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.03025, 2017 -
We describe the structure of bimodules (over finite dimensional algebras) which have the
property that the functor of tensoring with such a bimodule sends any module to a projective …

Pseudo-dualizing complexes and pseudo-derived categories

L Positselski - Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università …, 2020 -
The definition of a pseudo-dualizing complex is obtained from that of a dualizing complex by
dropping the injective dimension condition, while retaining the finite generatedness and …

Wide coreflective subcategories and torsion pairs

LA Hügel, F Sentieri - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.00845, 2023 -
We revisit a construction of wide subcategories going back to work of Ingalls and Thomas.
To a torsion pair in the category $ R\operatorname {-}\operatorname {mod} $ of finitely …

[PDF][PDF] Exact embedding functors between categories of modules

G Hutchinson - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1982 -
For any rings R and S with I. it is showed that the following conditions are equivalent:(a)
There exists an exact embedding functor R-Mod-S-Mod.(b) All diagram-chasing properties …

Triangulated equivalences involving Gorenstein projective modules

Y Zheng, Z Huang - Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2017 -
For any ring R, we show that, in the bounded derived category Db (Mod R) of le R-modules,
the subcategory of complexes with nite Gorenstein projective (resp. injective) dimension …

[HTML][HTML] Semi-dualizing modules and related Gorenstein homological dimensions

H Holm, P Jørgensen - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2006 - Elsevier
A semi-dualizing module over a commutative noetherian ring A is a finitely generated
module C with RHomA (C, C)≃ A in the derived category D (A). We show how each such …

Buchweitz's equivalences for Gorenstein flat modules with respect to semidualizing modules

J Hu, Y Geng, J Wu, H Li - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and C a semidualizing R-module. We obtain an
exact structure (ℋ C, 𝜀) and prove that the full subcategory ℋ C∩ 𝒢 ℱ C of ℋ C is a …