Using DITA for documenting software product lines

O Díaz, FI Anfurrutia, J Kortabitarte - … of the 9th ACM symposium on …, 2009 -
Aligning the software process and the documentation process is a recipe for having both
software and documentation in synchrony where changes in software seamlessly ripple …

Flexible support for managing evolving software product lines

C Thao, EV Munson - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on …, 2011 -
In software product line engineering, core assets are shared among multiple products. Core
assets and products generally evolve independently. Developers need to capture evolution …

A stepwise approach to developing software documentation

GL Stimely - Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference …, 1990 -
Published documentation development processes clearly explain how to break up the
process into parts and which parts to do when. What they do not explain is how to merge …

[PDF][PDF] Visualizing Software Product Line Variabilities in Source Code.

C Kästner, S Trujillo, S Apel - SPLC (2), 2008 - Citeseer
Implementing software product lines is a challenging task. Depending on the
implementation technique the code that realizes a feature is often scattered across multiple …

[PDF][PDF] Managing variability in software product lines

J Van Gurp, J Bosch, M Svahnberg - Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP …, 2000 -
Software Product Lines are large systems intended for reuse in concrete products. As such
these large systems provide reusable architecture and implementation that the individual …

Component documentation—a key issue in software product lines

A Taulavuori, E Niemelä, P Kallio - Information and Software Technology, 2004 - Elsevier
Product lines embody a strategic reuse of both intellectual effort and existing artefacts, such
as software architectures and components. Third-party components are increasingly being …

Separating features using colored snippet graphs

B Behringer, L Kirsch, S Rothkugel - Proceedings of the 6th International …, 2014 -
In feature-oriented software product lines, two complementary approaches to implement
features exist: compositional and annotative ones. To combine the respective advantages, a …

[PDF][PDF] Supporting the evolution of software product lines

R Mitschke, M Eichberg - ECMDA Traceability Workshop (ECMDA …, 2008 -
Traceability enables the maintenance and evolution of software product lines as a whole as
well as of specific products. In general, traceability during software product development can …

An integrated software management tool for adopting software product lines

K Park, D Ryu, J Baik - 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International …, 2012 -
Software product line engineering has become widely known that it provides software
organization with tremendous profits through systematical reuse to a number of …

Designing runtime variation points in product line architectures: three cases

M Goedicke, C Köllmann, U Zdun - Science of Computer Programming, 2004 - Elsevier
Software product lines provide a common architecture, reusable code, and other common
assets for a set of related software products. Variation is a central requirement in this context …