Making activity-based funding work for mental health

SP Rosenberg, IB Hickie - Australian Health Review, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
The implementation of activity-based funding (ABF) in mental health from 1 July 2013 has
significant risks and benefits. It is critical that the process of implementation is consistent with …

Activity-based funding: implications for mental health services and consultation-liaison psychiatry

A Wand - Australasian Psychiatry, 2014 -
Objective: The aim of this paper is to inform mental health professionals about Activity-based
funding (ABF) and the implications for data collection and clinical practice, in particular for …

Navigating uncharted waters? How international experience can inform the funding of mental health care in England

A Mason, M Goddard, L Myers… - Journal of Mental Health, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Background. Activity-based funding mechanisms are widely used in acute care. In England,
payment by results is being extended to mental health care, but its financial viability is …

[PDF][PDF] Well meant or well spent? Accountability for $8 billion of mental health reform

P Sebastian, J Mendoza, L Russell - Med J Aust, 2012 -
MJA 196 (3)· 20 February 2012 160 in 2007 showed that treatment rates for people with a
mental illness were unchanged since 1997. 8 If the spending effort in Action Area 2 has not …

Funding approaches for mental health services: is there still a role for clustering?

R Jacobs, M Chalkley, MJ Aragón, JR Böhnke… - BJPsych …, 2018 -
Funding for mental health services in England faces many challenges, including operating
under financial constraints where it is not easy to demonstrate the link between activity and …

Measuring the activity of mental health services in England: variation in Categorising activity for payment purposes

R Jacobs, M Chalkley, JR Böhnke, M Clark… - … and Policy in Mental …, 2019 - Springer
In the context of international interest in reforming mental health payment systems, national
policy in England has sought to move towards an episodic funding approach. Patients are …

Investment in Australian mental health carer services: how much and does it reflect evidence of effectiveness?

J Schess, S Diminic, E Hielscher… - Australian Health …, 2018 - CSIRO Publishing
Objective The aims of this study were to quantify Australian federal and state government
expenditure on mental health carer services for 2014–15, map the types of services being …

Payment by results for mental health services: economic considerations of case-mix funding

R Jacobs - Advances in psychiatric treatment, 2014 -
Against the backdrop of a tight financial climate, a new method of funding mental health
services is being rolled out in England's National Health Service. Called payment by results …

Health advocacy and the funding of mental health services reform

S Allison, M Nance, T Bastiampillai… - Australian & New …, 2014 -
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (9) could be required to ensure
adequate government funding for front-line mental health services (Castle, 2013). Ideally …

Sustainable financing options for mental health care in South Africa: findings from a situation analysis and key informant interviews

S Docrat, C Lund, D Chisholm - International journal of mental health …, 2019 - Springer
Background With the implicit neglect for the integration of mental health services into
general health service development in South Africa, there is an urgent need for an …