[引用][C] Rating in biological science

EC Cox, RM May - 1983 - nature.com
IN 1980, we gave a comparative review of seven introductory biology texts, including the
previous editions of Curtis and of Arms and Camp (Nature 284, 106; 1980). Like these …

[引用][C] Better Communications by 1960

WR Duryee - AIBS Bulletin, 1954 - academic.oup.com
In the 17th century it was usually Jlos~ iLle for an author to b~ gin hi~ leisurely scientific
treatise with a polite dedic (ltion and a friendly appeal to" The Gentle Reader," rIut now, in …

A Short History of Biology: a General Introduction to the Study of Living Things

L Hogben - 1931 - nature.com
WRITERS on the history of science are too often addicted to anecdote, ancestor worship,
and undue preoccupation with the blind alleys of scientific inquiry and speculation. Dr …

The St. Louis Congress of the Arts and Sciences

J Dewey - Science, 1903 - science.org
Aregular meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Chicago was held in connection with the
annual meeting of the American Library Association on the afternoon of Wednesday, June …

Cataloguing Scientific Papers

AG Bloxam - Nature, 1894 - nature.com
THE recent circular issued by the Royal Society anent the indexing of scientific literature
affords me a pretext for suggesting in your columns a reform which I have long thought to be …

A catalogue of scientific literature

WJ McGee - Science, 1895 - science.org
EDITOR OF SCIENCE:-The admirable plan for a card catalogue of scientific lit-erature
recommended to the Royal Society by the Harvard University Coun-cil (reprinted in the …

Dr. C. Tate Regan, FRS

E Trewavas - Nature, 1943 - nature.com
Abstract CHARLES TATE REGAN, formerly director of the British Museum (Natural History),
who died on January 12, was born at Sherborne in February 1878 and was educated at …

Report on the State of the Life Sciences: Biology and the Future of Man. Philip Handler, Ed. Oxford University Press, New York, 1970. xxiv, 936 pp., illus. $12.50.

IM Lerner - Science, 1970 - science.org
Francois Arago (1786-1853), astronomer, mathematician, physicist, member of the French
Academy at the age of 23, and later its permanent secretary-a post, mutatis mutandis …

Biochemical and biophysical research communications, etc.

I Wernstedt - Serials Review, 1984 - Taylor & Francis
Consisting of three parts, the index first indexes articles by author, title, and subject, then by
nation, then by book reviews and review essays. Each title entry is preceded by a sequential …

[引用][C] Biology in Britain

HE Street - 1961 - nature.com
PROGRESS within any major branch of science is inevitably uneven. Thus, there has been
in the post-War period very rapid scientific advance in certain aspects of biological science …