Pragmatic trials in long-term care: Challenges, opportunities, recommendations

C Levy, S Zimmerman, V Mor, D Gifford, SA Greenberg… - Geriatric Nursing, 2022 - Elsevier
Randomized controlled trials are considered the most rigorous research design in efficacy
and effectiveness research; however, such trials present numerous challenges that limit their …

Pragmatic trials in long-term care: Implementation and dissemination challenges and opportunities

C Levy, S Zimmerman, V Mor, D Gifford… - Journal of the American …, 2022 - Elsevier
Randomized controlled trials are considered the most rigorous research design in efficacy
and effectiveness research; however, such trials present numerous challenges that limit their …

Pragmatic trials in long-term care: research challenges and potential solutions in relation to key areas of care

B Resnick, S Zimmerman, J Gaugler… - Journal of the American …, 2022 - Elsevier
As a method of research, pragmatic trials are recommended so as to generate results that
are applicable to real-world care. This intent is especially important for the millions of older …

Implementation of evidence-based practice in long-term care: a scoping review

EL McGough, HJ Thompson - Journal of the American Medical Directors …, 2024 - Elsevier
Objectives To systematically examine implementation strategies within long-term care (LTC)
settings. The goal was to identify elements that contribute to adoption and sustainability of …

Evidence-Based Health Care Practice: Addressing Geriatric Nursing Practice

LC Mion - Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 1998 -
The term evidence-based practice has been used in medical literature since the 1970s
(Gray, 1997). In the past decade, the term has grown to encompass all of health care …

From book to bedside: Putting evidence to use in the care of the elderly

MG Titler, JC Mentes, BA Rakel, L Abbott… - The Joint Commission …, 1999 - Elsevier
Article-at-a-Glance Background Infusion of research findings into clinical practice is a
challenging part of the research process. Because the length of time between discovery and …

[图书][B] Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice

E Capezuti, DA Zwicker, TT Fulmer, M Boltz, A O'Meara - 2011 -
Named a 2013 Doody's Core Title!" The evidence-based protocols are designed as a
primary reference and are useful, substantive, and timely... The broader contributions of …

[引用][C] Advancing nursing science through pragmatic trials

L Finnegan, B Polivka - Nursing outlook, 2018 -
Seventeen years ago, the Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in
America (2001) recommended the establishment of a comprehensive program aimed at …

Merging person-centered care with translational research to improve the lives of older adults: creating community-based nursing research networks

NL Hill, J Penrod… - Journal of gerontological …, 2014 -
Translational research is a leading trend in science with the aim of bridging the research–
practice gap to significantly speed the implementation of effective interventions in clinical …

Training the workforce to conduct embedded pragmatic clinical trials to improve care for people living with dementia and their caregivers

CM Callahan, AM Torke, CA Alder… - Journal of the …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The National Institute on Aging IMbedded Pragmatic Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's
Disease–Related Dementias Clinical Trials (IMPACT) Collaboratory serves as a national …