On two generalizations of semi-projective modules: SGQ-projective and -semi-projective

T Amouzegar - Journal of Algebra and Related Topics, 2016 - jart.guilan.ac.ir
Let $ R $ be a ring and $ M $ a right $ R $-module with $ S= End_R (M) $. A module $ M $ is
called semi-projective if for any epimorphism $ f: M\rightarrow N $, where $ N $ is a …

[PDF][PDF] Relative subcopure-injective modules

Y Alagöz - Communications Faculty of Sciences University of …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
In this paper, copure-injective modules is examined from an alternative perspective. For two
modules A and B, A is called B-subcopure-injective if for every copure monomorphism f: B→ …

Subprojectivity domains of pure-projective modules

Y Durğun - Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2020 - World Scientific
In a recent paper, Holston et al. have defined a module M to be N-subprojective if for every
epimorphism g: B→ N and homomorphism f: M→ N, there exists a homomorphism h: M→ B …

[PDF][PDF] On quasi-projective modules and quasi-injective modules

Y Baba - Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, 2006 - jams.or.jp
In [9, Theorem 3.1] KR Fuller characterized indecomposable injective projective modules
over artinian rings using i-pairs. In [3] the author generalized this theorem to …

A note on -projective modules, II

T Takeuchi - 1984 - projecteuclid.org
In the previous no. te [7], we characterized" weakly" M-projective modules over a left PF ring.
In the present note, we study another type of" weakly" M-projective modules with a finiteness …

‎‎ n‎‎-copure submodules of modules

F Farshadifar - Cankaya University Journal of Science and …, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
n-copure submodules of modules Page 1 Cankaya University Journal of Science and
Engineering Volume 15, No. 2 (2018) 054–062 Date Received: 20/06/2018 Date Accepted …


NO ERTAŞ - PROCEEDING BOOK, 2019 - researchgate.net
In this study, it is investigated the relation between almost projective modules and
generalized projective modules. These concepts are useful for the study on finite direct sum …

Locally pure-projective modules

G Azumaya - Contemp. Math, 1992 - books.google.com
A module is called locally pure-projective if every pure epimor-phism onto it is locally split.
We prove that every locally pure-projective module is a Mittag-Leffler module. We derive …

Openly semiprimitive projective module

SS Bae - Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2004 - koreascience.kr
In this paper, a left module over an associative ring with identity is defined to be openly
semiprimitive (strongly semiprimitive, respectively) by the zero intersection of all maximal …

[HTML][HTML] Projective modules over the endomorphism ring of a biuniform module

G Puninski - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2004 - Elsevier
Projective modules over the endomorphism ring of a biuniform module - ScienceDirect Skip
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