Layer specific sharpening of frequency tuning by selective attention in primary auditory cortex

MN O'Connell, A Barczak, CE Schroeder… - Journal of …, 2014 - Soc Neuroscience
Recent electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies provide converging evidence that
attending to sounds increases the response selectivity of neuronal ensembles even at the …

Functional organization and population dynamics in the mouse primary auditory cortex

G Rothschild, I Nelken, A Mizrahi - Nature neuroscience, 2010 -
Cortical processing of auditory stimuli involves large populations of neurons with distinct
individual response profiles. However, the functional organization and dynamics of local …

Cortical processing of complex sounds

JP Rauschecker - Current opinion in neurobiology, 1998 - Elsevier
Work on the functional organization of auditory cortex in nonhuman primates has recently
gained increasing attention. Neurophysiological studies using complex stimuli, combined …

Response profiles of auditory cortical neurons to tones and noise in behaving macaque monkeys

GH Recanzone - Hearing research, 2000 - Elsevier
The primate auditory cortex is anatomically divided into several areas, but little is known
about the functional differences between these areas. Similarly, although neurons in sub …

Level invariant representation of sounds by populations of neurons in primary auditory cortex

S Sadagopan, X Wang - Journal of Neuroscience, 2008 - Soc Neuroscience
A fundamental feature of auditory perception is the constancy of sound recognition over a
large range of intensities. Although this invariance has been described in behavioral …

Functional organization of squirrel monkey primary auditory cortex: responses to pure tones

SW Cheung, PH Bedenbaugh… - Journal of …, 2001 -
The spatial organization of response parameters in squirrel monkey primary auditory cortex
(AI) accessible on the temporal gyrus was determined with the excitatory receptive field to …

Neural codes formed by small and temporally precise populations in auditory cortex

RAA Ince, S Panzeri, C Kayser - Journal of Neuroscience, 2013 - Soc Neuroscience
The encoding of sensory information by populations of cortical neurons forms the basis for
perception but remains poorly understood. To understand the constraints of cortical …

Laminar structure of spontaneous and sensory-evoked population activity in auditory cortex

S Sakata, KD Harris - Neuron, 2009 -
Spontaneous activity plays an important role in the function of neural circuits. Although many
similarities between spontaneous and sensory-evoked neocortical activity have been …

Responses of neurons in primary auditory cortex (A1) to pure tones in the halothane-anesthetized cat

D Moshitch, L Las, N Ulanovsky… - Journal of …, 2006 -
The responses of primary auditory cortex (A1) neurons to pure tones in anesthetized
animals are usually described as having mostly narrow, unimodal frequency tuning and …

Neural population coding of sound level adapts to stimulus statistics

I Dean, NS Harper, D McAlpine - Nature neuroscience, 2005 -
Mammals can hear sounds extending over a vast range of sound levels with remarkable
accuracy. How auditory neurons code sound level over such a range is unclear; firing rates …