Injective modules with respect to modules of projective dimension at most one

S Bouchiba, M El-Arabi - International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 2019 -
Several authors have been interested in cotorsion theories. Among these theories we figure
the pairs $(\mathcal P_n,\mathcal P_n^{\perp}) $, where $\mathcal P_n $ designates the set …

Homological dimensions in cotorsion pairs

LA Hügel, OM Hernández - Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 2009 -
Given a ring $ R $, two classes $\mathcal A $ and $\mathcal B $ of $ R $-modules are said
to form a cotorsion pair $(\mathcal A,\mathcal B) $ in $\operatorname {Mod} R $ if $\mathcal …

On the Cotorsion Pair (𝒫1, 𝒟)

L Fuchs, SB Lee - Communications in Algebra, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
We consider the perfect cotorsion pair (𝒫1, 𝒟) over a commutative ring (often over a domain)
R consisting of modules of projective dimension≤ 1 and of divisible modules, respectively …

Envelopes and Covers by Modules of Finite FP-Injective and Flat Dimensions

L Mao, N Ding - Communications in Algebra®, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a ring, na fixed non-negative integer and ℱ ℐ n (ℱ n) the class of all right (left) R-
modules of FP-injective (flat) dimension at most n. We prove that (is a perfect cotorsion …

[PDF][PDF] nX-Projective Modules, nX-Injective Modules, Cotorsion Theories

Y Liu - Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, 2010 -
nX-Projective Modules, nX-Injective Modules, Cotorsion Theories Page 1 Int. J. Contemp. Math.
Sciences, Vol. 5, 2010, no. 56, 2753 - 2762 n-X-Projective Modules, n-X-Injective Modules …

Selforthogonal modules with finite injective dimension III

Z Huang - Algebras and representation theory, 2009 - Springer
Let R be a left Noetherian ring, S a right Noetherian ring and RU a generalized tilting
module with S= End (RU). We give some equivalent conditions that the injective dimension …

[PDF][PDF] f-Projective and f-Injective Modules

Let R be a ring. A right R-module M is called f-projective if Ext1 (M, N)= 0 for any f-injective
right R-module N. We prove that (F-proj, F-inj) is a complete cotorsion theory, where F-proj …

Complexes of FP-injective modules

Y Geng - Algebra Colloquium, 2010 - World Scientific
In this paper, we study the class of complexes of FP-injective left R-modules. It is shown that
the pair is a complete cotorsion pair. If R is a left coherent ring, it is proved that every …

IFP-flat dimensions and IFP-injective dimensions

L Bo, L Zhongkui - Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2012 - Elsevier
In basic homological algebra, the flat and injective dimensions of modules play an important
and fundamental role. In this paper, the closely related IFP-flat and IFP-injective dimensions …

Cotorsion theories involving Auslander and Bass classes

Z Zhang, X Zhu, X Yan - Communications in Algebra, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a commutative ring, 𝒞 be a semidualizing R-module. We show that the Auslander
class 𝒜𝒞 (R) with respect to 𝒞 is the first left orthogonal class of some pure injective module …