Towards reliable extreme weather and climate event attribution

O Bellprat, V Guemas, F Doblas-Reyes… - Nature …, 2019 -
Climate change is shaping extreme heat and rain. To what degree human activity has
increased the risk of high impact events is of high public concern and still heavily debated …

The art of attribution

FEL Otto - Nature Climate Change, 2016 -
A high-impact weather event that occurred at the end of a decade of weather extremes led to
the emergence of extreme event attribution science. The challenge is now to move on to …

[图书][B] Attribution of extreme weather events in the context of climate change

National Academies of Sciences, Division on Earth… - 2016 -
As climate has warmed over recent years, a new pattern of more frequent and more intense
weather events has unfolded across the globe. Climate models simulate such changes in …

Attribution of extreme weather and climate events overestimated by unreliable climate simulations

O Bellprat, F Doblas‐Reyes - Geophysical Research Letters, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Event attribution aims to estimate the role of an external driver after the occurrence of an
extreme weather and climate event by comparing the probability that the event occurs in two …

Verification of extreme event attribution: Using out-of-sample observations to assess changes in probabilities of unprecedented events

NS Diffenbaugh - Science Advances, 2020 -
Independent verification of anthropogenic influence on specific extreme climate events
remains elusive. This study presents a framework for such verification. This framework …

Attributing high-impact extreme events across timescales—a case study of four different types of events

FEL Otto, S Philip, S Kew, S Li, A King, H Cullen - Climatic change, 2018 - Springer
Increasing likelihoods of extreme weather events is the most noticeable and damaging
manifestation of anthropogenic climate change. In the aftermath of an extreme event, policy …

Attributing compound events to anthropogenic climate change

J Zscheischler, F Lehner - Bulletin of the American …, 2022 -
Extreme event attribution answers the question of whether and by how much anthropogenic
climate change has contributed to the occurrence or magnitude of an extreme weather …

[HTML][HTML] Attribution of extreme events to climate change in the Australian region–A review

TP Lane, AD King, SE Perkins-Kirkpatrick… - Weather and Climate …, 2023 - Elsevier
Extreme event attribution is a rapidly growing field of climate science with important
implications for public and government understanding of human-induced climate change …

Assigning historic responsibility for extreme weather events

FEL Otto, RB Skeie, JS Fuglestvedt, T Berntsen… - Nature Climate …, 2017 -
Assigning historic responsibility for extreme weather events | Nature Climate Change Skip
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Quantile-based bias correction and uncertainty quantification of extreme event attribution statements

S Jeon, CJ Paciorek, MF Wehner - Weather and Climate Extremes, 2016 - Elsevier
Extreme event attribution characterizes how anthropogenic climate change may have
influenced the probability and magnitude of selected individual extreme weather and climate …