Progress and emerging problems in livestock transgenesis: a summary perspective

RF Seamark - Reproduction, fertility and development, 1994 - CSIRO Publishing
The creation of transgenic livestock is a complex multistep procedure the successful
execution of which demands a high level of skill and application. Useful animals have been …

Transgenic technology and applications in swine

MB Wheeler, EM Walters - Theriogenology, 2001 - Elsevier
The introduction of foreign DNA into the genome of livestock and its stable integration into
the germ line has been a major technical advance in agriculture. Production of transgenic …

Cloning pigs: advances and applications.

IA Polejaeva - Reproduction (Cambridge, England). Supplement, 2001 -
Although mouse embryonic stem cells have been used widely for over a decade as an
important tool for introducing precise genetic modification into the genome, demonstrating …

Challenges and progress in the production of transgenic cattle

WH Eyestone - Reproduction, fertility and development, 1994 - CSIRO Publishing
The production of transgenic cattle presents a number of unique challenges not
encountered in other species. First, the survival of microinjected zygotes is low; only 15% in …

A method for producing cloned pigs by using somatic cells as donors

L Lai, RS Prather - Germ Cell Protocols: Volume 2: Molecular Embryo …, 2004 - Springer
Nuclear transfer (NT) is a procedure by which genetically identical individuals can be
created. The applications of these NT techniques will be in agriculture, biomedicine, and …

Totipotency or multipotentiality of cultured cells: applications and progress

KHS Campbell, I Wilmut - Theriogenology, 1997 - Elsevier
The stable introduction of new genetic material into breeding programmes for farm animal
species requires germ line modification. One route by which to achieve this is by the …

Novel approaches and hurdles to somatic cloning in cattle

Y Heyman, Q Zhou, D Lebourhis… - Cloning & Stem …, 2002 -
The overall efficiency of somatic cloning in cattle is still low. Many factors are necessary for
successful birth of live offspring. Among them, the source of donor cells reveals the …

[PDF][PDF] Manipulating early pig embryos

H Niemann, B Reichelt - JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND …, 1993 -
On the basis of established surgical procedures for embryo recovery and transfer, the early
pig embryo can be subjected to various manipulations aimed at a longterm preservation of …

Use of embryonic and somatic cells for production of transgenic domestic animals

JA Piedrahita, P Dunne, CK Lee, K Moore, E Rucker… - Cloning, 1999 -
In contrast to the highly developed genetic modification systems available for manipulating
the mouse genome, at this time only simple gain of function modifications can be undertaken …

[PDF][PDF] Developments in transgenic techniques in pigs

MB Nottle, H Nagashima, PJ Verma… - Journal of …, 1997 -
Manipulation of the pig genome is currently restricted to the random insertion of new DNA
using pronuclear microinjection. This method suffers from a number of inherent limitations …