On the restricted minimum condition for rings

A Karami Z, MR Vedadi - Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - Springer
Generalizing Artinian rings, a ring R is said to have right restricted minimum condition (r.
RMC r. RMC, for short) if R/A is an Artinian right R-module for any essential right ideal A of …

Direct sum decompositions of projective and injective modules into virtually uniserial modules

M Behboodi, A Moradzadeh-Dehkordi… - Revista de la Real …, 2022 - Springer
A theorem due to Warfield states that “a ring R is left serial if and only if every (finitely
generated) projective left R-module is serial” and a theorem due to Tuganbaev states that “a …

Absolutely s-Pure Modules and Neat-Flat Modules

E Büyükaşık, Y Durğun - Communications in Algebra, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a ring with an identity element. We prove that R is right Kasch if and only if injective
hull of every simple right R-modules is neat-flat if and only if every absolutely pure right R …

On hereditary rings and noetherian V-rings

K Kosler - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1982 - msp.org
The purpose of this paper is to examine conditions under which (1) a left noetherian left V-
ring is left hereditary and (2) a left noetherian left V-ring is a two sided noetherian V-ring. For …

On some rings whose modules have maximal submodules

VP Camillo - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1975 - ams.org
It is shown that a principal right ideal domain, having the property that every right $ R $
module has a maximal submodule must be simple. Strong conditions satisfied by these rings …

On finitely annihilated modules and Artinian rings

PF Smith, AR Woodward - Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2006 - Springer
Let R be a ring. An R-module M is finitely annihilated if the annihilator of M is the annihilator
of a finite subset of M. It is proved that if R has right socle S then the ring R/S is right Artinian …

Max rings and V-rings

A Tuganbaev - Handbook of Algebra, 2003 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the max rings, V-rings, and rings and modules
related to V-rings. All rings are associative and have nonzero identity elements. A module is …

On simple-direct modules

E Büyükaşık, Ö Demir, M Diril - Communications in Algebra, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Recently, in a series of papers “simple” versions of direct-injective and direct-projective
modules have been investigated. These modules are termed as “simple-direct-injective” and …

On rings whose homomorphic images are p-injective

CY Hong, NK Kim, Y Lee - Communications in Algebra, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Throughout this paper, R denotes an associative ring with identity and all modules are
unitary. A right R-module M is called principally injective briefly, p-injective) if for any …

Some variations of projectivity

NO Ertaş, R Tribak - Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 2022 - World Scientific
We prove that a ring R has a module M whose domain of projectivity consists of only some
injective modules if and only if R is a right noetherian right V-ring. Also, we consider …