Connections between the retrosplenial cortex and the hippocampal formation in the rat: a review

JM Wyass, T Van Groen - Hippocampus, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
… 111 is thin and the pyramidal cell bodies are randomly spaced; in Rga the layer I11 neuronal
cell bodies tend to be arranged in bands parallel to the pial surface. Ventrally and caudally …

Thalamus and claustrum control parallel layer 1 circuits in retrosplenial cortex

EKW Brennan, I Jedrasiak-Cape, S Kailasa, SP Rice… - Elife, 2021 -
… a brain region called the retrosplenial cortex, whose role and … standard neurons in the
retrosplenial cortex. The way these … with direct damage to the retrosplenial cortex. This region is …

What does the retrosplenial cortex do?

SD Vann, JP Aggleton, EA Maguire - Nature reviews neuroscience, 2009 -
… clearly defined pattern of six layers only in the adjacent area … (four layers) to medial area 29
(four or five layers, depending … cannot switch or integrate parallel modes of task performance. …

Development and topographical organization of projections from the hippocampus and parahippocampus to the retrosplenial cortex

KG Haugland, J Sugar, MP Witter - European Journal of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
… region (PHR), and retrosplenial cortex (RSC) play critical roles … -PHR to RSC develop in
parallel with the intrinsic circuitry of HF… labeled neurons in layers V–VI of perirhinal cortex (PER). …

A corticocortical circuit directly links retrosplenial cortex to M2 in the mouse

N Yamawaki, J Radulovic… - Journal of …, 2016 - Soc Neuroscience
… in the upper and middle levels of the cortex, corresponding to layers 2/3–5A and 5B, … In
parallel with efforts to elucidate the functions of the RSC and M2 at the behavioral level, it …

Parahippocampal and retrosplenial connections of rat posterior parietal cortex

GM Olsen, S Ohara, T Iijima, MP Witter - Hippocampus, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
… the presubiculum with the retrosplenial cortex, we included … cortex is moderately connected
with the retrosplenial cortex, … found in layer I of PaS contralaterally, running parallel to the pial …

Connections of the retrosplenial granular a cortex in the rat

T van Groen, J Michael Wyss - Journal of Comparative …, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
… bands parallellayers 11,111, V, and VI, with the layer V and VI neurons providing the longer
projections to the anterior segment of retrosplenial cortex and anterior cingulate (IR) cortex (…

The separate and combined properties of the granular (area 29) and dysgranular (area 30) retrosplenial cortex

JP Aggleton, S Yanakieva, F Sengpiel… - Neurobiology of learning …, 2021 - Elsevier
… These direct efferents terminate densely in layer II and superficial layer III across area 29, …
We would envisage a parallel shift in thalamic – retrosplenial interactions over this same …

The retrosplenial cortex: intrinsic connectivity and connections with the (para) hippocampal region in the rat. An interactive connectome

J Sugar, MP Witter, NM van Strien… - Frontiers in …, 2011 -
… knowledge on connectivity of the rat retrosplenial cortex (RSC) with the hippocampal… layer
III, which in A29ab has cells arranged in bands parallel to the pial surface, while in A29c layer

Presubiculum layer III conveys retrosplenial input to the medial entorhinal cortex

NL Kononenko, MP Witter - Hippocampus, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
… Although essentially all subdivisions of the retrosplenial cortex project to the dorsal two-…
contacted by the parallel, dorsoventrally oriented axonal projections from RSCv-b (Fig. 1D). …