Choice of Law and the Multistate Class: Forum Interests in Matters Distant

WD Torchiana - U. Pa. L. Rev., 1985 - HeinOnline
The due process clause of the fourteenth amendment1 and the full faith and credit clause of
article four2 together limit the power of a state to exercise jurisdiction over parties and to …

Gazing into the Crystal Ball: Reflections on the Standards State Judges Should Use to Ascertain Federal Law

DH Zeigler - Wm. & Mary L. Rev., 1998 - HeinOnline
Federal and state courts routinely interpret and apply each other's law. Federal courts must
apply state law under the Rules of Decision Act1 as construed in Erie Railroad Co. v …

Incomplete law

JW Bowers - La. L. Rev., 2001 - HeinOnline
A standard result, both of economic and political theory1 and of sociological empiricism, 2 is
that when groups form, insider members desire their agents to rent seek against outsiders …

Assessing the Constitutionality of Laws That Are Both Content-Based and Content-Neutral: The Emerging Constitutional Calculus

WR Huhn - Ind. LJ, 2004 - HeinOnline
Assessing the Constitutionality of Laws That Are Both Content-Based and Content-Neutral:
The Emerging Constitutional Calculus Page 1 Assessing the Constitutionality of Laws That …

Statutory Interpretation as a Multifarious Enterprise

TD Rakoff - Nw. UL Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
What is the best way to interpret statutes?" The hard truth of the matter," wrote Henry Hart
and Albert Sacks better than a half-century ago," is that American courts have no intelligible …

All Sail and No Anchor--Judicial Review Under the California Constitution

G Deukmejian, CK Thompson Jr - Hastings Const. LQ, 1979 - HeinOnline
Over the past several years, the California Constitution has supplanted the Federal
Constitution as the basis for the California Supreme Court's judicial review of the actions of …

Keeping Litigation at Home: The Role of States in Preventing Unjust Choice of Forum

C Reichard - Yale LJ, 2019 - HeinOnline
Choice-of-forum clauses can pose a significnt ohsracle to individuals hoping to bring claims
against corporations. By limiting claims to particular geographic locations, choice of ftrum is …

The Status of Unwritten Constitutional Conventions in the United States

KE Whittington - U. Ill. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
In the 1980s, the Princeton political scientist Walter Murphy and his colleagues contended
that the question of" What is the Constitution" should be front and center in constitutional …

Federal rules of statutory interpretation

NQ Rosenkranz - Harv. L. Rev., 2001 - HeinOnline
Federal statutes do not come with instructions, but maybe they should. For as long as there
have been statutes, lawyers and laymen have puzzled over their inevitable ambiguities …

Reinterpreting Statutory Interpretation

CE Gonzalez - NCL Rev., 1995 - HeinOnline
The hard truth of the matter is that American courts have no intelligible, generally accepted,
and consistently applied theory of statutory interpretation. Twenty years ago, Henry Hart and …