Methodological aspects of a Marxian approach to development: An analysis of the modes of production school

DF Ruccio, LH Simon - World Development, 1986 - Elsevier
This essay presents a methodological analysis of one Marxian approach to development,
the so-called modes of production (MOP) school. The three basic positions encompassed by …

[引用][C] Methodological aspects of a Marxian approach to development: An analysis of the modes of production school

DF Ruccio, LH Simon - World Development, 1986 -
EconPapers: Methodological aspects of a Marxian approach to development: An analysis of
the modes of production school EconPapers Economics at your fingertips EconPapers Home …

[引用][C] Methodological aspects of a Marxian approach to development: An analysis of the modes of production school

DF Ruccio, LH Simon - World Development, 1986 -
Methodological aspects of a Marxian approach to development: An analysis of the modes of
production school IDEAS home Advanced search Economic literature: papers, articles, software …