An Immunohistochemical Study of Na+/I Symporter in Human Thyroid Tissues and Salivary Gland Tissues

SM Jhiang, JY Cho, KY Ryu, BR DeYoung… - …, 1998 -
The human Na+/I− symporter (hNIS) is the plasma membrane protein that mediates active
iodide uptake into several tissues, such as the thyroid and salivary glands. To study the …

An immunohistochemical study of Na+/I-symporter in human thyroid tissues and salivary gland tissues

SM Jhiang, JY Cho, KY Ryu, BR Deyoung… - Endocrinology, 1998 -
The human Na+/I-symporter (hNIS) is the plasma membrane protein that mediates active
iodide uptake into several tissues, such as the thyroid and salivary glands. To study the …

An immunohistochemical study of Na+/I-symporter in human thyroid tissues and salivary gland tissues.

SM Jhiang, JY Cho, KY Ryu, BR DeYoung… - …, 1998 -
The human Na+/I-symporter (hNIS) is the plasma membrane protein that mediates active
iodide uptake into several tissues, such as the thyroid and salivary glands. To study the …

[引用][C] An Immunohistochemical Study of Na+/I-Symporter in Human Thyroid Tissues and Salivary Gland Tissues

SM Jhiang - Endocrinology, 1998 -
An Immunohistochemical Study of Na+/I- Symporter in Human Thyroid Tissues and Salivary
Gland Tissues | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ …

An immunohistochemical study of Na+/I-symporter in human thyroid tissues and salivary gland tissues

SM Jhiang, JY Cho, KY Ryu, BR Deyoung… - …, 1998 -
The human Na+/I-symporter (hNIS) is the plasma membrane protein that mediates active
iodide uptake into several tissues, such as the thyroid and salivary glands. To study the …

An immunohistochemical study of Na+/I-symporter in human thyroid tissues and salivary gland tissues

SM Jhiang, JY Cho, KY Ryu, BR DeYoung… - …, 1998 -
The human Na+/I-symporter (hNIS) is the plasma membrane protein that mediates active
iodide uptake into several tissues, such as the thyroid and salivary glands. To study the …


SM JHIANG, JY CHO, KY RYU, BR DEYOUNG… - …, 1998 - Endocrine Society