Role of persistent sodium and calcium currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats
Y Li, MA Gorassini, DJ Bennett - Journal of …, 2004 -
After chronic spinal injury, motoneurons spontaneously develop two persistent inward
currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a nimodipine …
currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a nimodipine …
Role of Persistent Sodium and Calcium Currents in Motoneuron Firing and Spasticity in Chronic Spinal Rats
Y Li, MA Gorassini, DJ Bennett - Journal of Neurophysiology, 2004 -
抄録< jats: p> After chronic spinal injury, motoneurons spontaneously develop two persistent
inward currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a …
inward currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a …
[PDF][PDF] Role of Persistent Sodium and Calcium Currents in Motoneuron Firing and Spasticity in Chronic Spinal Rats
Y Li, MA Gorassini, DJ Bennett - J Neurophysiol, 2004 -
Li, Yunru, Monica A. Gorassini, and David J. Bennett. Role of persistent sodium and calcium
currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats. J Neurophysiol 91: 767 …
currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats. J Neurophysiol 91: 767 …
Role of persistent sodium and calcium currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats
Y Li, MA Gorassini, DJ Bennett - Journal of …, 2004 -
After chronic spinal injury, motoneurons spontaneously develop two persistent inward
currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a nimodipine …
currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a nimodipine …
Role of persistent sodium and calcium currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats.
Y Li, MA Gorassini, DJ Bennett - Journal of Neurophysiology, 2004 -
After chronic spinal injury, motoneurons spontaneously develop two persistent inward
currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a nimodipine …
currents (PICs): a TTX-sensitive persistent sodium current (sodium PIC) and a nimodipine …
[PDF][PDF] Role of Persistent Sodium and Calcium Currents in Motoneuron Firing and Spasticity in Chronic Spinal Rats
Y Li, MA Gorassini, DJ Bennett - J Neurophysiol, 2004 -
Li, Yunru, Monica A. Gorassini, and David J. Bennett. Role of persistent sodium and calcium
currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats. J Neurophysiol 91: 767 …
currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats. J Neurophysiol 91: 767 …
[引用][C] Role of persistent sodium and calcium currents in motoneuron firing and spasticity in chronic spinal rats
Y LI - J. Neurophysiol., 2004 -