Statistical description of monopulse parameters for tracking Rayleigh targets

WD Blair - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic …, 1998 -
The conditional probability density function (pdf) is developed for each monopulse
measurement of a Rayleigh target by conditioning the pdf of the complex monopulse ratio on …

[引用][C] Statistical description of monopulse parameters for tracking Rayleigh targets

WD Blair, M Brandt-Pearce - IEEE Transactions on …, 1998 -
Statistical description of monopulse parameters for tracking Rayleigh targets - NASA/ADS Now
on home page ads icon ads Enable full ADS view NASA/ADS Statistical description of …

Statistical Description of Monopulse Parameters for Tracking Rayleigh Targets

WD Blair, M Brandt-Pearce - … of the 29th Southeastern Symposium on …, 1997 -
Using the amplitude-conditioned Probability Density Function (PDF) for monopulse
measurements, the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) is developed for any unbiased …

Statistical description of monopulse parameters for tracking Rayleigh targets

WD Blair, M Brandt-Pearce - Proceedings The Twenty-Ninth …, 1997 -
Using the amplitude conditioned probability density function (PDF) for monopulse radar
measurements, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is developed for any unbiased …