Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound
Z Yang, T Wang - Ocean Dynamics, 2013 - Springer
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
Tidal Residual Eddies and their Effect on Water Exchange in Puget Sound
Z Yang, T Wang - 2013 - osti.gov
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound
Z Yang, T Wang - Ocean Dynamics, 2013 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound
Z Yang, T Wang - Ocean Dynamics, 2013 - infona.pl
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound.
Z Yang, T Wang - Ocean Dynamics, 2013 - search.ebscohost.com
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
[引用][C] Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound
Z Yang, T Wang - 2013 - tvhdh.vnio.org.vn
Digital Library: Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound
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DSpace About DSpace Software Search DSpace Advanced Search Home Browse …
Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound
Z Yang, T Wang - Ocean Dynamics, 2013 - search.proquest.com
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …
estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a …