Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley - Biogeosciences, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

S Grover, S Livesley, L Hutley, H Jamali… - …, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali… - …, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

[引用][C] Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali, B Fest… - …, 2012 -

[PDF][PDF] Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley… - …, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali… - …, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils.

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali, B Fest… - 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

[PDF][PDF] Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali, B Fest… - Biogeosciences, 2012 - Citeseer
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

[PDF][PDF] Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali… - …, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …

Land use change and the impact on greenhouse gas exchange in north Australian savanna soils

SPP Grover, SJ Livesley, LB Hutley, H Jamali… - …, 2012 -
Savanna ecosystems are subjected to accelerating land use change as human demand for
food and forest products increases. Land use change has been shown to both increase and …