Fatal attractors in parity games: Building blocks for partial solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - arxiv.org
Attractors in parity games are a technical device for solving" alternating" reachability of given
node sets. A well known solver of parity games-Zielonka's algorithm-uses such attractor …

Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, J Huan-Pu Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv e-prints, 2014 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Attractors in parity games are a technical device for solving" alternating" reachability of given
node sets. A well known solver of parity games-Zielonka's algorithm-uses such attractor …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - researchgate.net
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - academia.edu
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - figshare.le.ac.uk
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo - 2014 - Citeseer
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint …, 2014 - pstorage-leicester-213265548798 …
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - academia.edu
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - Citeseer
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …

[PDF][PDF] Fatal Attractors in Parity Games: Building Blocks for Partial Solvers

M Huth, JHP Kuo, N Piterman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.0386, 2014 - figshare.le.ac.uk
Formal methods and verification rely heavily on algorithms that compute which states of a
model satisfy a specified property. The underlying decision problems are often undecidable …