“Choosing” Wisely: Paralleling Food Sovereignty and Reproductive Justice

RA Vaughn - Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 2017 - JSTOR
I recently came across a reusable cloth shopping bag in the window of a local storefront in
Kansas. The bag sported an image of a tree followed by the phrase “I'm saving plastic and …

" Choosing" Wisely

RA Vaughn - Frontiers, 2017 - search.proquest.com
I recently came across a reusable cloth shopping bag in the window of a local storefront in
Kansas. The bag sported an image of a tree followed by the phrase" I'm saving plastic and …

" Choosing" Wisely: Paralleling Food Sovereignty and Reproductive Justice

RA Vaughn - Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 2017 - muse.jhu.edu
I recently came across a reusable cloth shopping bag in the window of a local storefront in
Kansas. The bag sported an image of a tree followed by the phrase “I'm saving plastic and …

" Choosing" Wisely: Paralleling Food Sovereignty and Reproductive Justice.

RA VAUGHN - Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 2017 - search.ebscohost.com
The author discusses the trends in environmental activism, focusing on individual
consumption and food politics. She talks about the political debates over reproductive health …