A probabilistic annotation model for crowdsourcing coreference
The availability of large scale annotated corpora for coreference is essential to the
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
[PDF][PDF] A Probabilistic Annotation Model for Crowdsourcing Coreference
S Paun, J Chamberlain, U Kruschwitz, J Yu, M Poesio - researchgate.net
The availability of large scale annotated corpora for coreference is essential to the
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
A Probabilistic Annotation Model for Crowdsourcing Coreference
S Paun, J Chamberlain, U Kruschwitz… - http://aclweb. org …, 2018 - repository.essex.ac.uk
The availability of large scale annotated corpora for coreference is essential to the
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
[PDF][PDF] A Probabilistic Annotation Model for Crowdsourcing Coreference
S Paun, J Chamberlain, U Kruschwitz, J Yu, M Poesio - dali.eecs.qmul.ac.uk
The availability of large scale annotated corpora for coreference is essential to the
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
[PDF][PDF] A Probabilistic Annotation Model for Crowdsourcing Coreference
S Paun, J Chamberlain, U Kruschwitz, J Yu, M Poesio - core.ac.uk
The availability of large scale annotated corpora for coreference is essential to the
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …
development of the field. However, creating resources at the required scale via expert …