[PDF][PDF] An effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm using AVX intrinsics for a multicore architecture

NZ Oo, P Chaikan - thaiscience.info
This paper proposes an effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm with AVX intrinsics
to augment matrix-matrix multiplication in a multicore system. AVX-2 and FMA3 intrinsic …

[PDF][PDF] An effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm using AVX intrinsics for a multicore architecture

NZ Oo, P Chaikan - academia.edu
This paper proposes an effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm with AVX intrinsics
to augment matrix-matrix multiplication in a multicore system. AVX-2 and FMA3 intrinsic …

An effective implementation of strassen's algorithm using avx intrinsics for a multicore architecture

NZ Oo, P Chaikan - thaiscience.info
This paper proposes an effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm with AVX intrinsics
to augment matrix-matrix multiplication in a multicore system. AVX-2 and FMA3 intrinsic …

An effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm using AVX intrinsics for a multicore architecture.

NZ Oo, P Chaikan - Songklanakarin Journal of Science & …, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
This paper proposes an effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm with AVX intrinsics
to augment matrix-matrix multiplication in a multicore system. AVX-2 and FMA3 intrinsic …

[PDF][PDF] An effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm using AVX intrinsics for a multicore architecture

NZ Oo, P Chaikan - scholar.archive.org
This paper proposes an effective implementation of Strassen's algorithm with AVX intrinsics
to augment matrix-matrix multiplication in a multicore system. AVX-2 and FMA3 intrinsic …