Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela - Scientia Horticulturae, 2005 - Elsevier
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

[引用][C] Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M URRESTARAZU, PC MAZUELA - Scientia horticulturae, 2005 - pascal-francis.inist.fr
Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless
culture CNRS Inist Pascal-Francis CNRS Pascal and Francis Bibliographic Databases …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M Urrestarazua, PC Mazuelab - Scientia Horticulturae, 2005 - academia.edu
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela - Scientia Horticulturae, 2005 - infona.pl
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela - Scientia Horticulturae, 2005 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture.

M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela - 2005 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela - Scientia Horticulturae, 2005 - tarapaca.elsevierpure.com
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela - Scientia Horticulturae, 2005 - tarapaca.elsevierpure.com
Oxygen deficiency has an immediate effect on both water and nutrient uptake, the yield of
the whole plant under different soilless culture is affected. The oxygen level required for the …

[引用][C] Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture

M URRESTARAZU, PC MAZUELA - Scientia horticulturae, 2005 - Elsevier