A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop protection, 2000 - Elsevier
Crop protection in European greenhouses became strongly chemically oriented shortly after
the Second World War in the 1950s. But an excellent climate for fast reproduction of pests …

A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop Protection, 2000 - ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Crop protection in European greenhouses became strongly chemically oriented shortly after
the Second World War in the 1950s. But an excellent climate for fast reproduction of pests …

[引用][C] A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop Protection, 2000 - cir.nii.ac.jp
A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy? | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術
情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本を …

A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop Protection, 2000 - research.wur.nl
Crop protection in European greenhouses became strongly chemically oriented shortly after
the Second World War in the 1950s. But an excellent climate for fast reproduction of pests …

[引用][C] A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop Protection, 2000 - agris.fao.org
biological control cultivos de invernadero enemigos naturales ennemi naturel greenhouse
crops integrated pest management lutte biologique natural enemies pest resistance …

A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC Lenteren - 2000 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Crop protection in European greenhouses became strongly chemically oriented shortly after
the Second World War in the 1950s. But an excellent climate for fast reproduction of pests …

A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop Protection, 2000 - elibrary.ru
Crop protection in European greenhouses became strongly chemically oriented shortly after
the Second World War in the 1950s. But an excellent climate for fast reproduction of pests …

A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - Crop Protection, 2000 - library.wur.nl
Crop protection in European greenhouses became strongly chemically oriented shortly after
the Second World War in the 1950s. But an excellent climate for fast reproduction of pests …

[引用][C] A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC van Lenteren - … Congress (IHC): Science and Horticulture: Interfaces …, 1998 - library.wur.nl
A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy? wur logo Staff Publications Staff
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[引用][C] A greenhouse without pesticides: fact or fantasy?

JC VAN LENTEREN - Crop Prot., 2000 - cir.nii.ac.jp